2 Easy Steps to Create Folder on Windows 7 Laptop or Desktop

Admin Saturday, August 3, 2024 How To

This article will show you how to create a folder in your windows 7 laptop or desktop computer. These steps to create folder on a desktop are easy and superb.

What You Will Learn on Creating a Folder

Brief Introduction What is a Folder? Creating a Folder on Laptop or Desktop Computer How to Create a Folder on Windows Explorer How to Rename a Folder

Brief Introduction

Today, am going to discuss with you a simple but difficult task to some people. Yes it is simple only to those that have done it before and difficult to newbies. I remembered the first time I was taken to register in computer school, wow, it was really fun and same time somehow scary because holding the mouse initially causes my hand to shake. Don't laugh me cos now am no more a novice. So don't think that this post is useless cos many people are out there searching for this. Have you ever had the mind to find ways to do something that seems to be quite simple and yet makes you look like novice? If yes worry not cos you are not alone. Some few days back, a friend of mine bought a brand new laptop and wanted to copy his pictures from phone to laptop which he was able to achieved. After successful copying of the pictures, he needed to organize these pictures into a unique folder on the desktop but he couldn't and this is where he had to call me to help him out. You see, no man is an island! That is why I want to share with you these two steps on how to create a folder on laptop or desktop computer.

What is a Folder?

A computer folder, is a directory used for managing and storing of files, subfolders, and shortcuts on a computer.

Creating a Folder on Laptop or Desktop Computer

  1. Move your cursor to the desktop of your computer where you want to place the new folder.
  2. Right click on the desktop, then click New from the menu that display and another menu will display.

  3. New folder
  4. Click on Folder
    steps to create new folder
    and the folder will be displayed, with a default name "New folder."

  5. new folder icon
But you can change this default name to anything of your choice. To change the name, type the new name for the folder and then press Enter.

How to Create a Folder on Windows Explorer

  1. Open the windows explorer
  2. Right click on blank space, then click New from the menu that display and another menu will display.
  3. Click on Folder and the folder will be displayed, with a default name "New folder."
  4. Enter the folder name
So far so good, you have learnt how to make a new folder. But should in case on the process of creating this folder, you accidentally hit Esc key or click on the desktop and the created folder now have New Folder as its name and you intend to change the name, then try

How to Rename a Folder

  1. Right click on the folder

  2. how to rename a folder
  3. From the menu that display, click on Rename and folder name will now be editable
  4. Enter the new name then press enter key
Now you now know steps to make a new folder.

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