Russia launched 6,000mph ship killer missile weapon and issues fears warning

Okugbe Samuel Monday, July 27, 2020 News

Russia has been on the mission of developing a missile called Zircon missile weapon which was reported to been in development for the past 20 years before now.
zircon missile hypersonic weapon
Meanwhile, according to report, the testing of this missile was been delayed due to coronavirus pandemic - following another exercise involving this missile earlier this year. In order to test this weapon, It was reported by state media that the village of Nyonoksa in the country's north was evacuated due to ongoing testing of the Zircon missile weapon. Over 500 villagers were told to leave their homes for 36 hours because they were living in a "danger zone". However, as at today, Russia's Ministry of Defence said tests have confirmed the Zircon missile's "range and accuracy of fire". The hypersonic cruise weapon was reported to be able to target naval and ground assets The Zircon can fly at a range of up to 600 miles, meaning it could reach its target in just seven minutes. What a surprise! The Zircon missile was fired far from the Admiral Gorshkov frigate in the far north of the country this morning and Vladimir Putin's defence ministry confirmed testing had been completed after being fired from warship Admiral Gorshkov. The country’s Ministry of Defence said in a statement: “The tests of the Zircon hypersonic missile are also being successfully completed. As report have it, Russian said this Zircon missile system is set to be used by Vladimir Putin to 'wipe out' American cities in the event of nuclear war. “Test launches from the Admiral Gorshkov frigate of the Soviet Union have confirmed the unique tactical and technical characteristics of this missile in terms of range and accuracy of fire, as well as its hypersonic flight speed.” Looking to the present issues between US and China, and now Russian; US Secretary for Defence and Engineering, Michael D. Griffin, has expressed grave concerns about the new missile gap opening between America and Russia.
Michael D. Griffin
He said: “We, today, do not have systems which can hold them [Russia and China] at risk in a corresponding manner, and we don’t have defences against those systems… “Should they choose to employ them, we would be today at a disadvantage.

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