This post will provide solutions on: "What are the functions of the Local government in Nigeria? as well as provide answers to questions like: What are the functions of local government? What are the five main responsibilities of the local government? What are the 3 functions of local government? what are the three levels of government?
One of the function of the Local government is to provide and control markets and good motor packs.
The local government collects and dispose refuse in the community.
The Local government is responsible for making recommendation to state/federal government on issues and problems of rural communities that cannot be solved by the local government.
with local government, rules are given on how the local people use cemeteries and slaughter houses. This brings about development in the nation and makes the local government to be more organized.
The Local government issues all kinds of licenses; such as: drivers license, gun ownership licenses and so on.
The local government is responsible for the naming of streets in order to bring development to the rural area.
It the duty of the local government to provide and maintain primary, adult and vocational education.