Top 8 Main Duties And Obligations Of Nigerian Citizens

JEROME MICHAEL EBRUPHIYO Thursday, August 26, 2021 Politics

Hi there! Today we are going to discuss about the main duties and obligations of a Nigerian citizen. It will interest you to know that there are certain duties and obligations of Nigerian citizens which must be observed for them to enjoy the rights provided in the constitution (chapter 2 of the 1999 constitution Section 24) of Nigeria. Top 8 Main Duties And Obligations Of Nigerian Citizens and also provide answers to questions like: What are the duties of a Nigerian citizen? What are the 5 main duties of a citizen? What are the duties and obligation of Nigerian citizen? What are the rights and duties of citizens? What are the 10 basic human rights in Nigeria?

1. Loyalty To The State

Loyalty to ones state means that every citizen shall be truthful and faithful not only to the leaders but to the interest of the nation. Loyalty entails that every citizen shall work toward the development and progress of the society.

2. Payment Of Tax

Every citizen in a state who is up to age and who is employed should pay taxes and rates as and when due. Taxes and rates paid by citizens are used for the provision of social amenities in the state. Citizens are bound to pay taxes, rates and government bills for the maintenance of social amenities of the state. It is through taxes and rates that public servants are paid.

3. Military Services

Every Nigerian citizen is bound to perform military service for the defense of the country against enemy attack whenever he is called to do so. If citizens do not fight in defense of their country they would have no place to rest their heads and they may be subjects of the victorious country.

4. Voting In An Election

It is a duty incumbent upon citizens to vote in any election for the selection of qualified leaders of the state. Every qualified citizen irrespective of his religious affiliation is expected to vote in an election.

5. Reporting Criminals, Undesirable Element, Cultists And Corrupt Individuals

“In law, a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics, he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so” – Immanuel Kent. If a citizen understands that the criminal act unleashed on another citizen by a criminal could also affect him, he would without fear or hindrance report the criminal to the law enforcement agents.

6. Respect For National Flag And National Anthem

The national flag of any nation is a banner by which the nation is known. It articulates information concerning the nation’s struggle and development. It is therefore a mark of national identity. The National Anthem is a song that rekindles The society’s past victories and challenges. The citizens should also memorise the National Anthem and should be ready to sing it as well.

7. Respect For Head Of State, Chief Executive, Elders and Judges

The head of state is the chief executive in Nigeria and he is the representative of Nigerian anywhere in the world. Whenever a citizen respects the head of states, it is not the individual that is respected but the office. The citizens should respect their elders so that ‘ their days may be long ‘. Elders are older in age and it is God that made it so, not man. If one respect his elder, the ones younger to him would also respect him. Respect for the chiefs is same as respect for he who made the chiefs and not for the man who wears the crown. Subjects of every chiefdom should respect the authority of the chief. Such respect for the chief is respect for the town too.

8. Care For Public Property

Public property is the property of every citizen. The impact of colonial rule and the tendency of regarding government property as no man’s property have made citizens disregard government property. The up keep of government properties by the citizens helps in alleviating poverty and in improving the standard of living.

What Are The Duties Of A Nigeria Citizen?

  • Respect the dignity of other citizens and their rights
  • Promote the spirit of common brotherhood and good neighbourliness
  • Make positive and useful contribution to the advancement, progress and wellbeing of community of residence
  • Render assistance to appropriate agencies in the maintenance of law and order

What Are The 5 Main Duties Of A Citizen?

  • Obeying the law
  • Paying taxes
  • Serving on a jury when summoned
  • Registering with the Selective Service

What Are The 10 Basic Human Rights In Nigeria?

The fundamental human rights contained in the constitution of Nigeria are: Right to Life, the Right to Dignity of Human Person, the Right to Personal Liberty, the Right to Fair Hearing, the Right to Private and Family Life, the Right to Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion, the Right to Freedom of Expression


Conclusion the rights of individuals must be respected and protected in order to make the society worth living. The individuals must also perform their obligations to the state in order to make the state governable.

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