The project of this research project is survival strategies adopted by small-scale shops in Enugu State urban. The recent changes in the Nigerian Business environment have forced small-scale shops to formulate diverse survival strategy in order to survival the turbulence in Nigeria environment.
This study focuses on those things that small scale shop can do and have done to accommodate market changes such as down-sizing expansion offering discounts, location and vocation of the shop at a better site, margin, cool structure, the product line diversification, free gifts and bonus, differentiation and segmentation etc.
To achieve this the researchers constructed questionnaire based on research question formulated in chapter one.
The major finding in those studies is as follows;
1 Location and relocation of business at a better site is as important as the growth of the business.
2 Down-sizing small-scale shop encourages higher profit margin from the specified field of treatment.
3 Discounts, free gift and bonus, attract customer’s patronage
4 Product line diversification, differentiation and market segmentation are the major strategies that can be adopted and have been adopted by small-scale shop in order to face and win its competitors.
5 to survive a small-scale shop must be responsive to the needs of its consumers, financially up to date etc.
The major conclusion drawn from this study is that the survival strategies adopted by the small-scale shop are discount bonus, and gifts offered to consumers based on the quantity purchased. The use of product line, product divers, kcation, location and relocation, differentiation and market segmentation are greatly helpful for the survival of small-scale shop.
Recommendations were made based on the findings and conclusion drawn.