What Are The Top 166 Itsekiri Names And Their Meaning?

joybaby Monday, September 27, 2021 Basis

Table Of Contents

1. What is the meaning ofAbidemi?

2. What is the meaning of ABoyowa

3. What is the meaning of Abugewa

4. What is the meaning of Agbajor

5. What is the meaning of Agbeyegbe

6. What is the meaning ofAgboghoroma

7. What is the meaning of Amigbitse

8. What is the meaning of Ajuremisan

9. What is the meaning of Alero

10.What is the meaning of Amajuoritse

11. What is the meaning of Amejuma

12. What is the meaning of Aminoma

13. What is the meaning of Amorighoye

14. What is the meaning of Aninoritse

15. What is the meaning of Anirejuoritse

16. What is the meaning of Anomuoghanran

17. What is the meaning of Arenyeka

18. What is the meaning of Ariegbeomah

19. What is the meaning of Aritetsoma

20. What is the meaning of Arueyingho

21. What is the meaning of Asorkpinmi

22. What is the meaning of Atigbinolaye

23. What is the meaning of Atigbioritse

24. What is the meaning of Atsegbaghan

25. What is the meaning of Ayemotse

26. What is the meaning of AyiriOritse

27. What is the meaning of Ayonuwe

28. What is the meaning of BabaLudewa

29. What is the meaning of Besida

30. What is the meaning of BiOritsegiowatse

31. What is the meaning of Dolor

32. What is the meaning of Ebeji

.33. What is the meaning of Ebiekutan

34. What is the meaning of Ebieshuwa

35. What is the meaning of Ebisanjuwa

36. What is the meaning of Ebitomi

37. What is the meaning of Ebiyon

38. What is the meaning of Eburajolomisan

39. What is the meaning of Edema

40. What is the meaning of Edemadiden

41. What is the meaning of Edemadudun

42. What is the meaning of Edematie

43. What is the meaning of Edonmi

44. What is the meaning of Ejueyetsegbemi

45. What is the meaning of Ejueyitchiegbemi

46. What is the meaning of EreofoOluwa

47. What is the meaning of Esanjumi

48. What is the meaning of Esigbone

49. What is the meaning of Esijemiborbale

50. What is the meaning of Esijolomisan

51. What is the meaning of Eworitsemogha

52. What is the meaning of Eyeoyibo

53. What is the meaning of Eyewumi

54. What is the meaning of Eyimofe

55. What is the meaning of Eyituoyo

56. What is the meaning of Fregene

57. What is the meaning of Gbeneniabichie

58. What is the meaning of Ikperegbeyiwa

59. What is the meaning of Jirinrgho

60. What is the meaning of Kenekueyero

61. What is the meaning of Mabuyaku

62. What is the meaning of Madamedon

63. What is the meaning of Megbuliofor

64. What is the meaning of Mejebi

65. What is the meaning of Mene

66. What is the meaning of Metseaghanrun

67. What is the meaning of Mogbeyiteren

68. What is the meaning of Mogbeyitsereje

69. What is the meaning of Mogbusiaghan

70. What is the meaning of Monoyo

71. What is the meaning of Monoyooritse

72. What is the meaning of Nnoli

73. What is the meaning of Nobioritse

74. What is the meaning of Nonekone

75. What is the meaning of Odeli

76. What is the meaning of Odonghanro

77. What is the meaning of Odonmeta

78. What is the meaning of Ofeoritse

79. What is the meaning of Ofoeghareno

80. What is the meaning of Ofoluwafo

81. What is the meaning of Oforitseno

82. What is the meaning of Oforkpimi

83. What is the meaning of Ofortokun

84. What is the meaning of Ofosanren

85. What is the meaning of Ogbaghankomi

86. What is the meaning of Ogharaerumi

87. What is the meaning of Ogharandukun

88. What is the meaning of Ogungbemi

89. What is the meaning of Ojobon

90.What is the meaning of Okan

91. What is the meaning of Okorodudun

92. What is the meaning of Okorosobo

93. What is the meaning of Okorotie

94. What is the meaning of Okpetoritse

95. What is the meaning of Oludewa

96. What is the meaning of Olumagin

97. What is the meaning of Omademi

98. What is the meaning of Omadoye

99. What is the meaning of Omaejemite

100. What is the meaning of Omagbemi

101. What is the meaning of Omaghomi

102. What is the meaning of Omamara

103. What is the meaning of Omamofe

104. What is the meaning of Omasan

105. What is the meaning of Omatseye

106. What is the meaning of Omatsola

107. What is the meaning of Omatsuli

108. What is the meaning of Omawumi

109. What is the meaning of Omereyon

110. What is the meaning of Ometie

111. What is the meaning of Onetoritsebawoete

112. What is the meaning of Orighomisan

113. What is the meaning of Oritsebemigho

114. What is the meaning of Oritsebemigho

115. What is the meaning of Oritsedere

116. What is the meaning of Oritsedumi

117. What is the meaning of Oritsegbegbemi

118. What is the meaning of Oritsegbeyiwa

119. What is the meaning of Oritsegbubemi

120. What is the meaning of Oritsejafor

121. What is the meaning of Oritsejedeoneyor

122. What is the meaning of Oritsejemibobale

123. What is the meaning of Oritsejemide

124. What is the meaning of Oritsejeminetemi

125. What is the meaning of Oritsejolomi

126. What is the meaning of Oritsejolomisan

127. What is the meaning of Oritsejurenmisan

128. What is the meaning of Oritsematosan

129. What is the meaning of Oritsemaundede

130. What is the meaning of Oritsemeyiwa

131. What is the meaning of Oritsemodupe

132. What is the meaning of Oritsemoyowa

133. What is the meaning of Oritseretseoluwa

134. What is the meaning of Oritsetimeyin

135. What is the meaning of Oritsetsaninomi

136. What is the meaning of Oritsetsemaye

137. What is the meaning of Oritsetsolaye

138. What is the meaning of Oritseweyinmi

139. What is the meaning of Oritsewinor

140. What is the meaning of Oritsuwa

141. What is the meaning of Osandatuwa

142. What is the meaning of Otokuefor

143. What is the meaning of Otone One

144. What is the meaning of Otumara

145. What is the meaning of Oyomere

146. What is the meaning of Temisanren

147. What is the meaning of Temituoyo

148. What is the meaning of Toghanranrose

149. What is the meaning of Toritsefe

150. What is the meaning of Toritseju

151. What is the meaning of Toritsemotse

152. What is the meaning of Tosanwumi

153. What is the meaning of Towuaghantse

154. What is the meaning of Tunokanrin

155. What is the meaning of Ugbotoritseduwani

156. What is the meaning of Ukubeyinje

157. What is the meaning of Ukuebami

158. What is the meaning of Ukuedojor

159. What is the meaning of Ukuemene

160. What is the meaning of Ukuesan

161. What is the meaning of Ukumakpene

162. What is the meaning of Urowayino

163. What is the meaning of Urowoli

164. What is the meaning of Utseoritselaju

165. What is the meaning of Utseoritsenere

166. What is the meaning of Uyalaju

Here we are going to share with you Itsekiri names and their meaning both for male and female as well as unisex.

1. What is the meaning ofAbidemi?

It means a child born before either the father or grandparents arrive

2. What is the meaning of ABoyowa

It means a child that brought joy

3. What is the meaning of Abugewa

It means Came with merriment

4. What is the meaning of Agbajor

It means gather Together

5. What is the meaning of Agbeyegbe

It means you don’t live forever

6. What is the meaning ofAgboghoroma

It means you can’t buy child with money

7. What is the meaning of Amigbitse

It means give me the blessing

8. What is the meaning of Ajuremisan

It means Light my stars shine

9. What is the meaning of Alero

It means first-born female child

10.What is the meaning of Amajuoritse

It means we do not know more than God

11. What is the meaning of Amejuma

It means nobody knows tomorrow

12. What is the meaning of Aminoma

It means you don’t know the taught of a child

13. What is the meaning of Amorighoye

It means we don’t know who will wear the crown

14. What is the meaning of Aninoritse

It means God’s compassion

15. What is the meaning of Anirejuoritse

It means you can’t be wiser than God

16. What is the meaning of Anomuoghanran

It means my enemies are ashamed

17. What is the meaning of Arenyeka

It means you can’t walk the universe

18. What is the meaning of Ariegbeomah

It means this child is unique

19. What is the meaning of Aritetsoma

It means Male or Females are also child

20. What is the meaning of Arueyingho

It means think about the future

21. What is the meaning of Asorkpinmi

It means am tired of negative criticism

22. What is the meaning of Atigbinolaye

It means remember your helper

23. What is the meaning of Atigbioritse

It means remember the Lord

24. What is the meaning of Atsegbaghan

It means give them assistance

25. What is the meaning of Ayemotse

It means i have done act of kindness

26. What is the meaning of AyiriOritse

It means you should praise the lord

27. What is the meaning of Ayonuwe

Itmeans today’s Blessing

28. What is the meaning of BabaLudewa

It means our Father has reincarnate

29. What is the meaning of Besida

It means as destiny decides/dictates

30. What is the meaning of BiOritsegiowatse

Itmeans it shall be as the lord have said

31. What is the meaning of Dolor

It means money

32. What is the meaning of Ebeji

It means twins

.33. What is the meaning of Ebiekutan

It means you will always have family members

34. What is the meaning of Ebieshuwa

It means family is wealth

35. What is the meaning of Ebisanjuwa

It means family is more than wealth

36. What is the meaning of Ebitomi

It means am ok with my family

37. What is the meaning of Ebiyon

It means its pleasurable to have family

38. What is the meaning of Eburajolomisan

It means our ancestral gods have made me good

39. What is the meaning of Edema

It means gentleman

40. What is the meaning of Edemadiden

It means Light Skinned Gentleman

41. What is the meaning of Edemadudun

It means Dark skinned Gentleman

42. What is the meaning of Edematie

It means Small Gentleman

43. What is the meaning of Edonmi

It means it does not hurt me

44. What is the meaning of Ejueyetsegbemi

It means do me a favour

45. What is the meaning of Ejueyitchiegbemi

It means leave this for me

46. What is the meaning of EreofoOluwa

It means God’s word is rewarding

47. What is the meaning of Esanjumi

It means not better than me

48. What is the meaning of Esigbone

Itmeans People’s Law

49. What is the meaning of Esijemiborbale

It means follow laid down principle and you will grow old

50. What is the meaning of Esijolomisan

It means i am guided through the right direction to prosperity

51. What is the meaning of Eworitsemogha

It means i am in the hand of God

52. What is the meaning of Eyeoyibo

It means European Life

53. What is the meaning of Eyewumi

It means i love life

54. What is the meaning of Eyimofe

It means this is my desire

55. What is the meaning of Eyituoyo

It means this is enough for joy

56. What is the meaning of Fregene

It means Freeman, Clean, unstained

57. What is the meaning of Gbeneniabichie

It means make me your family

58. What is the meaning of Ikperegbeyiwa

It means it was brought by Ikpere

59. What is the meaning of Jirinrgho

It means watch patiently

60. What is the meaning of Kenekueyero

Itmeans each one with his own life

61. What is the meaning of Mabuyaku

It means don’t die with suffering

62. What is the meaning of Madamedon

It means don’t let me be afraid

63. What is the meaning of Megbuliofor

It means don’t hold on to words

64. What is the meaning of Mejebi

It means am not guilty

65. What is the meaning of Mene

Itmeans First / One

66. What is the meaning of Metseaghanrun

It means i have done nothing to you people

67. What is the meaning of Mogbeyiteren

It means i will take this (child) for now

68. What is the meaning of Mogbeyitsereje

It means i take this as my reward

69. What is the meaning of Mogbusiaghan

It means i heard your deeds/ I heard from them

70. What is the meaning of Monoyo

It means am filled with joy

71. What is the meaning of Monoyooritse

It means am filled with the joy of the lord

72. What is the meaning of Nnoli

It means homely

73. What is the meaning of Nobioritse

It means in God’s presence

74. What is the meaning of Nonekone

It means anybody

75. What is the meaning of Odeli

It means Home guard / Wall Gecko

76. What is the meaning of Odonghanro

It means they are looking at years

77. What is the meaning of Odonmeta

It means three Years

78. What is the meaning of Ofeoritse

It means God’s Gift

79. What is the meaning of Ofoeghareno

It means the words of our elders are words of wisdom

80. What is the meaning of Ofoluwafo

It means words spoken by our Lord

81. What is the meaning of Oforitseno

It means God’s word will surely come to past

82. What is the meaning of Oforkpimi

Itmeans am tired of complains

83. What is the meaning of Ofortokun

It means the words of poor men are always ignored

84. What is the meaning of Ofosanren

It means we have come to agreement

85. What is the meaning of Ogbaghankomi

It means they taught me to be wise

86. What is the meaning of Ogharaerumi

It means my enemies are jealous of me

87. What is the meaning of Ogharandukun

It means we are now friends

88. What is the meaning of Ogungbemi

It means Protected by War, It can also have a variation of Protected By Ogun the (God of Iron)

89. What is the meaning of Ojobon

It means Market day. A child given birth to on a market day.

90.What is the meaning of Okan

It mean first, one

91. What is the meaning of Okorodudun

It means Black Guy

92. What is the meaning of Okorosobo

It means urhobo Guy

93. What is the meaning of Okorotie

It means Small Guy

94. What is the meaning of Okpetoritse

It means Glory belong to God

95. What is the meaning of Oludewa

It means he came back

96. What is the meaning of Olumagin

It means the king Knows

97. What is the meaning of Omademi

It means a child given birth to at the return of the father

98. What is the meaning of Omadoye

It means child have become royalty

99. What is the meaning of Omaejemite

It means don’t bring me dishonour

100. What is the meaning of Omagbemi

It means i am protected by my child.

101. What is the meaning of Omaghomi

It means child will look after me

102. What is the meaning of Omamara

It means am used to it

103. What is the meaning of Omamofe

It means its child am looking for

104. What is the meaning of Omasan

It means child is good

105. What is the meaning of Omatseye

It means child is life

106. What is the meaning of Omatsola

It means child is life

107. What is the meaning of Omatsuli

It means child is what make up home

108. What is the meaning of Omawumi

It means i like children

109. What is the meaning of Omereyon

It means there is brotherly love

110. What is the meaning of Ometie

It means small child

111. What is the meaning of Onetoritsebawoete

It means whom the Lord is with cannot be put to shame

112. What is the meaning of Orighomisan

Itmeans my head is good

113. What is the meaning of Oritsebemigho

It means Lord watch over him/her for me

114. What is the meaning of Oritsebemigho

It means God guide him for me

115. What is the meaning of Oritsedere

It means God’s Rest

116. What is the meaning of Oritsedumi

It means am healed by God

117. What is the meaning of Oritsegbegbemi

It means i have not be forsaken by God

118. What is the meaning of Oritsegbeyiwa

It means this was brought by God

119. What is the meaning of Oritsegbubemi

It means God answered my prayer

120. What is the meaning of Oritsejafor

It means God have let us spoken

121. What is the meaning of Oritsejedeoneyor

It means God have grant us Jubilation

122. What is the meaning of Oritsejemibobale

What is the meaning of May God let me grow old

123. What is the meaning of Oritsejemide

It means God let me wait

124. What is the meaning of Oritsejeminetemi

It means may God grant me mine

125. What is the meaning of Oritsejolomi

It means the lord has fixed me

126. What is the meaning of Oritsejolomisan

It means the lord have fixed me better

127. What is the meaning of Oritsejurenmisan

It means God let my star shine

128. What is the meaning of Oritsematosan

It means God knows best

129. What is the meaning of Oritsemaundede

It means God knows everything

130. What is the meaning of Oritsemeyiwa

It means this was brought by God

131. What is the meaning of Oritsemodupe

It means i am grateful O Lord

132. What is the meaning of Oritsemoyowa

It means Joy from God

133. What is the meaning of Oritseretseoluwa

It means God is my Lord

134. What is the meaning of Oritsetimeyin

It means the lord is behind me or the lord has my back

135. What is the meaning of Oritsetsaninomi

It means God has pity me

136. What is the meaning of Oritsetsemaye

It means am favoured by God

137. What is the meaning of Oritsetsolaye

It means God is the granter of Favour

138. What is the meaning of Oritseweyinmi

It means the lord is with me

139. What is the meaning of Oritsewinor

It means there is God Ooooo

140. What is the meaning of Oritsuwa

It means God of Wealth

141. What is the meaning of Osandatuwa

It means favoured have returned

142. What is the meaning of Otokuefor

It means the words of poor men have no value

143. What is the meaning of Otone One

It means someone child

144. What is the meaning of Otumara

It means it has calmed me down

145. What is the meaning of Oyomere

It means brotherly love

146. What is the meaning of Temisanren

It means i have gained favour

147. What is the meaning of Temituoyo

It means mine is enough for joy

148. What is the meaning of Toghanranrose

It means the plan of our enemies have failed

149. What is the meaning of Toritsefe

It means what the lord desires

150. What is the meaning of Toritseju

It means God’s (will) is supreme

151. What is the meaning of Toritsemotse

It means i am of the Lord

152. What is the meaning of Tosanwumi

It means i love good things

153. What is the meaning of Towuaghantse

It means you act as you like to

154. What is the meaning of Tunokanrin

It means His is different

155. What is the meaning of Ugbotoritseduwani

It means the field where God blessed with wealth.

156. What is the meaning of Ukubeyinje

It means death have spoiled our plan

157. What is the meaning of Ukuebami

It means death did not reach me

158. What is the meaning of Ukuedojor

It means death have no day

159. What is the meaning of Ukuemene

It means death does not know us

160. What is the meaning of Ukuesan

It means death is horrible

161. What is the meaning of Ukumakpene

It means death do not kill us

162. What is the meaning of Urowayino

It means they are short of taught

163. What is the meaning of Urowoli

It means softness have come in

164. What is the meaning of Utseoritselaju

It means God work is marvellous

165. What is the meaning of Utseoritsenere

It means God’s work is profitable

166. What is the meaning of Uyalaju

It means suffering is unbearable

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