Retirement Age in Nigeria for Different Professions in Nigeria

Nuelson Penuel Wednesday, June 1, 2022 Basis

In this article you will learn about what retirement age and various retirement age in Nigeria for different professions and organizations.

What is Retirement Age in Nigeria

Retirement age simply means a specified age by government or any organization to stop an employee followed by all the benefits outlined and guaranteed under the retirement plan.

Organizations in Nigeria and their Retirement Age

1. Retirement Age in the Nigerian Prisons Service (NPS) Like any other paramilitary, no retirement age specified for the Nigerian Prisons Service Act . However, the provisions of the Nigerian Civil Service Act which states compulsory retirement of a civil/public servant at 35 years of service or 60 years of age is applicable to Nigerian Prisons Service staff/officers. 2. Retirement Age in Nigerian Fire Service The compulsory retirement age in the Nigerian Fire Service is 45 years of age or 25 years of service. 3. Nigerian Professors Retirement Age The approved age of retirement for Nigerian universities, polytechnics, college of education e.t.c professors is 70 years. The bill of approval was passed in the year 2012 by the senates. 4. Nigerian Judges and Justice Retirement Age Nigerian Justices and Judges both in higher and lower courts retirement age is 70 years irrespective of the number of years worked in the public service. However, during the 2015 amendment of the provisions of the Public Service Rules [PSR], states that 60 years should be the statutory age while public service is 35 years and all judges were mandated by law to retire at the age of 60 years or 35 years of service. 5. Nigerian Military Officers Retirement Age Nigerian military officers retirement age was initially 52 years. But recently, the review of Harmonised Terms and Conditions of Service (HTACOS) in the Nigerian Armed Forces increase it to 62 years. And this review will be in effective any moment from now. 6. Higher Instituions Academic Staff Retirement Age Retirement age for academic staff whose level is below professor and non-academic staff is between 35 and 65 years. 7. Primary and Secondary Teachers Retirement Age The age for teachers retirement in primary and secondary schools is 60 years. But, Nigerian Union of Teachers is raising the motion that teachers retirement age should be increased from 60 years to 65 years. However, government haven't grant their request and there is no bill of hope that has been passed. 8. Nigerian Medical Consultants in Federal Medical Centres Retirement Age The retirement age for medical consultants and other medical workers in federal medical centres in Nigerian is between 35 and 60 years. 9. Retirement Age for Medical Consultants in University Teaching Hospitals The retirement age of University Teaching Hospital medical consultants is 70 years. 10. Nigerian Pilots Retirement Age Pilot's retirement age in the Nigerian civil service is currently 62 years. While other aviation workers who are pilots retire at 60 years or 35 years of public service. 11. NNPC Workers Retirement Age NNPC workers retirement age is 60 years or 35 years of public service. 12. Nigerian Police Force Retirement Age The NPF mandatory retirement age is 60 years or 35 years of public service. Nevertheless, a police officer may exceed his retirement age either as a result of his outstanding performance and the commission still need his service (extend his/her service) or delay in the approval of his retirement letter. 13. Retirement Age Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps There is no provision that states the retirement age of the officers of the defence corps and same to most of the paramilitary organizations. Nevertheless, the provisions of the Nigerian Civil Service Act willl be involved which recommended 35 years of service or 60 years of age for compulsory retirement.

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