Overview Of The Nigerian Seasons And Their Characteristics

JEROME MICHAEL EBRUPHIYO Tuesday, September 28, 2021 Basis

This post will provide information on the overview of the Nigerian seasons and their characteristics as well as provide answers to questions like: How many types of season do we have? What are the characteristics of dry season in Nigeria? What are the characteristics of rainy season in Nigeria? What are the different characteristics of dry season and wet season? Seasons In Nigeria And Their Characteristics There are majorly four (4) seasons in Nigeria and they include the dry season, wet season, harmattan season and the short dry season (usually referred to as "August Break").

Nigerian Dry Season

It will interest you to know that the weather condition of Nigeria in general is usually hot/dry throughout the year with slight difference between wet (raining season) and harmattan. The northern part of Nigeria (Kaduna, Maiduguri, Sokoto and so on) has desert-like weather with high and scotching sun rays. The dry season in Nigeria is usually from November to March.

Nigerian Wet Season (Raining Season)

The wet season in Nigeria is often unpredictable. This can be attributed to the excessive rainfall experienced in the far southern part of Nigeria. This part of country features a tropical rainforest climate with yearly rainfall of 60-80 inches a year. The raining season is usually from April to October.

Harmattan Season In Nigeria

This season usually occurs in the middle of September and December in a year. There are cases or states in Nigeria that witness longer harmattan seasons due to the region they are situated. This season is often characterized by dusty wind, cold, low environmental temperature and sometimes fog.

Nigerian Short Dry Season (August Break)

Nigeria regions apart from the south and the north, is defined by savannah with everything in between the north and south with rainfall within 20 and 60 inches a year. The August break or short dry season in Nigeria is usually characterized by a brief dry weather condition for some few weeks (4 weeks in parts of the country or more in some other parts of the country). It usually occurs between early august towards late august or early September.


Having known the Nigeria seasons, it is still important to note that the overall Nigeria season cannot be predicted and this can be attributed to the heavy industries and burning of organic compounds such as petroleum which goes to the atmosphere and cause damages to the ozone layer.

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