List of Trade Unions in Nigeria and Roles

Nuelson Penuel Monday, June 24, 2024 Basis



Trade unions in Nigeria play a crucial role in advocating for workers' rights, ensuring fair treatment, and promoting better working conditions across various industries. These unions serve as collective voices for workers, negotiating with employers and the government to address labor issues and improve the welfare of their members. In this blog post, we will provide a comprehensive list of trade unions in Nigeria and explore their roles and functions.

1. Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC):

The Nigeria Labour Congress is the umbrella organization representing trade unions in Nigeria. It is the largest and most influential trade union federation in the country. The NLC's primary role is to protect and advance the rights and welfare of workers. They negotiate with employers and the government on issues such as minimum wage, working hours, social security, and workplace safety.

2. Trade Union Congress (TUC):

The Trade Union Congress is another prominent umbrella union organization in Nigeria. It represents the interests of workers across different sectors. The TUC advocates for workers' rights, social justice, and equity through collective bargaining, lobbying, and engagement with policymakers. The TUC also collaborates with international labor organizations to support global labor initiatives.

3. Nigeria Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers (NUPENG):

NUPENG is a trade union that represents workers in the oil and gas sector. It seeks to protect the rights and welfare of its members, including those in exploration, production, refining, distribution, and marketing activities. NUPENG also addresses issues related to job security, health and safety, and fair wages within the petroleum industry.

4. Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU):

ASUU is a trade union composed of academic staff in Nigerian universities. It advocates for the rights of university lecturers, researchers, and other academic staff members. ASUU promotes quality education, equitable working conditions, and university autonomy. They engage in negotiations with the government to address issues such as funding for education, salaries, and working conditions.

5. National Union of Teachers (NUT):

NUT is a trade union representing teachers in Nigeria's primary and secondary schools. It aims to improve the welfare of teachers, enhance the quality of education, and advocate for better educational policies. NUT engages in collective bargaining, professional development programs, and campaigns for improved working conditions and salaries for teachers.

6. Nigeria Medical Association (NMA):

NMA is a professional association and trade union representing medical doctors in Nigeria. It focuses on promoting the interests and welfare of doctors, advocating for improved healthcare infrastructure, and ensuring quality healthcare delivery. The NMA engages in negotiations with the government on issues such as doctor welfare, healthcare policies, and medical ethics.

7. National Union of Banks, Insurance and Financial Institutions Employees (NUBIFIE):

NUBIFIE represents workers in the banking, insurance, and financial sectors. It aims to protect the rights and welfare of employees in these industries, negotiating for fair wages, job security, and improved working conditions. NUBIFIE engages with employers and relevant regulatory bodies to address industry-specific issues and ensure the best interests of its members.

8. Nigerian Union of Railway Workers (NUR):

NUR is a trade union representing railway workers in Nigeria. It advocates for the protection of workers' rights in the railway industry, including issues related to job security, wages, and safe working conditions. NUR engages with railway management and relevant government agencies to address labor concerns within the sector.

9. National Association of Nigeria Nurses and Midwives (NANNM):

NANNM is a professional association and trade union representing nurses and midwives in Nigeria. Their primary focus is on advocating for the welfare and rights of nurses and midwives, ensuring safe working conditions, fair wages, and quality healthcare delivery. NANNM also engages in continuing education programs, professional development, and the promotion of nursing ethics and standards.

10. National Union of Electricity Employees (NUEE):

NUEE represents employees in the electricity sector, including power generation, transmission, and distribution. This trade union works towards protecting the interests of workers, advocating for better working conditions, adequate compensation, job security, and improved electricity infrastructure. NUEE also engages with the government and regulatory bodies to address issues related to the electricity industry.

11. National Union of Textile, Garment, and Tailoring Workers of Nigeria (NUTGTWN):

NUTGTWN represents workers in the textile and garment industry. The union strives to protect the rights of workers and address issues such as fair wages, job security, workplace safety, and improved infrastructure within the industry. NUTGTWN also focuses on training and capacity building for its members to enhance their professional skills.

12. Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities (SSANU):

SSANU is a trade union that represents non-teaching staff in Nigerian universities. They advocate for the interests and welfare of their members, addressing issues such as promotions, job security, fair wages, and right work-life balance. SSANU collaborates with other unions in the education sector to address common concerns and improve the overall working conditions in universities.

13. National Union of Air Transport Employees (NUATE):

NUATE represents workers in the aviation industry, including pilots, engineers, technicians, and ground handling staff. Their role involves negotiating with employers and regulatory bodies to address issues such as fair wages, job security, workplace safety, and improved working conditions. NUATE also advocates for the expansion and development of the aviation sector in Nigeria.

14. Maritime Workers Union of Nigeria (MWUN):

MWUN represents workers in the maritime industry, including dockworkers, ship crew, and other employees involved in port operations. The union aims to protect the rights and welfare of its members, advocating for fair wages, job security, improved working conditions, and safety in the maritime sector. MWUN also works to combat piracy and other challenges affecting the industry.

15. Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ):

NUJ is a trade union representing journalists across Nigeria. They advocate for the professional interests and welfare of journalists, promote press freedom, ethical journalism, and protect journalists' rights. NUJ engages in negotiations and campaigns for improved working conditions, fair wages, and editorial independence. These are just a few examples of trade unions in Nigeria. Other trade unions cover diverse industries such as manufacturing, telecommunications, construction, and transportation. Collectively, these unions contribute to the protection and promotion of workers' rights, ensuring fair treatment, and providing a platform for collective bargaining and engagement with employers and the government.


Trade unions in Nigeria play a significant role in advocating for workers' rights and welfare across various industries. Through collective bargaining, lobbying, and engagement with relevant stakeholders, these unions work towards creating better working conditions, negotiating fair wages, and addressing labor issues in Nigeria. By giving workers a collective voice, trade unions make important contributions to the progress and development of the Nigerian labor force.

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