This post will provide information on the list of top 6 types of radio as well as provide answers to questions like: How many types of radio are there? What are the different types of radio Programmes? What are the three kinds of radio stations? Which is better AM or FM? What is the full form of radio?

It is named after the UK Ministry of Post and Telegraph that invented this particular open standard, it is the most widely used analog trunking technology today .

Tetra radio is a digital radio,it was developed in Europe in the late eighties. It’s very analogous to GSM used in modern digital cellphones. It is a 4-slot TDMA technology that works in 25 kHz channel spacing. It is used in the airports and has strong data applications and is common amongst large public safety agencies . It operates in specific bands: 380 to 420 MHz and in the 700/800 MHz system.

P25 Phase 1 differs from Tetra by being an FDMA technology and also supporting conventional, trunked, and simulcast operation. It is another major open standard for digital radio technology andwas developed specifically for public safety agencies in the United States. P25 can be used in any licensed frequency that a public safety agency has whether it be VHF, UHF, 700, 800, even 900 MHz and by non-public safety users as well. it is an FDMA technology operating in the 12.5 kHz channel spacing and comes in two phases, Phase 2 is a more recent development and is only available in trunked.

Conventional FM is a popular technology in analog radio. It is used and supported by almost every major manufacturer in the world.

DMR (digital mobile radio) is one of the newest open radio standards. It’s a TDMA technology which uses 2-time slots and operates in the 12.5 kHz channel spacing.DMR is increasingly used by businesses such as mining, utilities and transport throughout the world, Tier 2 DMR offers conventional operation and Tier 3 DMR offers trunked operation.
It is a FDMA technology and is similar to DMR,it which operates in a 6.25 kHz channel spacing and It is not limited to any particular frequency band, it also supported by conventional and trunked operation.
Analog radio consists of two main types and they are: AM (amplitude modulation) and FM (frequency modulation).
They are AM, FM, Pirate Radio, Terrestrial digital Radio, and Satellite.