List Of Top 5 Nigerian Languages and Major Cultures In Nigeria

Blessing Billions Tuesday, October 19, 2021 Basis



A lot of cultures mixed in Nigeria and being a multi-cultural country, Nigeria still preserves authentic national elements Nigeria has three major ethnic groups, namely, Yoruba, Hausa-Fulani and Igbo others are Benin/Edo and Efik-Ibibio. Have you been wondering about What are some cultural traditions in Nigeria? What is the traditional food in Nigeria? What is the culture area in Nigeria? or What is Nigerian/Igbo culture like? wonder no more, as this article will provide answers to all your questions. It is counted that 50 percent of Nigerians are Muslim, 40 percent are Christian, and 10 percent still practice traditional religions and rituals. This post will provide information on the list of top 5 Nigerian languages and their cultures.

1. Benin/Edo Culture In Nigeria

The Benin culture is significant in Edo State.People of this culture are religious and believe in the existence of two worlds: the visible world called ‘agbon’ and the spiritual world called ‘erinmwin.’ and they believe that the creator of these worlds is Osanobua (God Almighty) and also The people of this culture also believe in the series of fourteen reincarnations.The preferable foods of Benin (or Edo) culture are soups: melon or okra soups cooked with bush meat or fish; pounded yam and rice.They are referred to as the descendants of Igodomigodo, which evolved to become the Benin Empire. They are closely related to other ethnic groups that speak Edoid languages, such as the Esan, the Afemai, the Isoko,and the Urhobo.

2. Efik-Ibibio Culture In Nigeria

The Efik-Ibibio culture is significant in the Southern Part of Nigeria The Efiks are one of Nigeria’s most prevalent and interesting ethnic groups the people predominantly occupy the south of Cross River State and they are regarded as the most ancient of all tribes in Nigeria. The representatives of this culture speak their language and English. They have is a secret society, called the Ekpe meaning “Lion” that protects and guides the culture, this society increased the system of symbols referred too as Nsibidi and its symbols are even taught at school to children. Their main dishes are Edikang Ikong soup, Afañg soup,pepper soup, Eritan, Ukwoho and Atama of which many of it recipes are made of vegetables. The Ibibio people are reputed to be the earliest inhabitants of the south eastern Nigeria.Although some accounts suggest that the Efik people have Bantu origins, the most accepted tale is of their Hebrew origin.

3. Yoruba Culture In Nigeria

The Yoruba culture is in the West of Nigeria. This culture gives particular attention to names and It is famous for its works of bronze and sculptures. The preferable foods of this culture are moi-moin (steamed bean pudding), soups like ewedu, gbegiri, okra, egusi, and efo riro. The Yoruba's believe in reincarnation and pray for the essential goods in life, majorly, wealth, children, and immortality, Age is greatly respected in Nigeria, particularly in Yoruba culture. Senior people have special rights of respect and admiration.The Yoruba traditional religion believes that all human beings pass through what is known as Ayanmo which translate to destiny or fate.The origin of the Yoruba in Nigeria can not be clearly deciphered. It is believed that their primary ancestor, Oduduwa, came from Egypt. One idea behind Yoruba religion is that natural objects, like trees, rivers, stones, metal, have a spiritual existence.

4. Hausa-Fulani Culture In Nigeria

The Hausa-Fulani Culture is spread on North of the country.This culture gave rise to the Muslim religion became the factor that united two similar (though still different) cultures into one Hausa-Fulani Culture. Music is a significant part of this culture and the people have lots of heritage of work songs and they organize festivities in the centers of the towns and come to dance there, Shaking hands, eating, or passing things with the left hand is frowned on as the left hand is considered the hand for personal toiletries and is seen as a dirty one.The Hausa's and the Fulani's make up a significant portion of Nigeria (by population and even landmass). And while they are generally regarded as one (as Hausa-Fulani), they are, in fact, two separate, albeit similar, ethnic entities dominating the Northern region of Nigeria.Hausa people grow corn, millet, yams, different vegetables, cotton and peanuts, and breed horses, goats and cattle. The Men hunt and go fish, while women are mostly involved in pottery, baskets, mats, knitting, The Fulani don’t believe in birth control and they have a fertility rate

5. Igbo Culture In Nigeria

The Igbo culture is practiced in the eastern part of Nigeria even though it culture takes its origins from West Nigeria.The musical instruments of Igbo are opi, igbs, and ichaka and is notable trait is melodic music that was developed in the process of iron forging and the Igbo music in the form of jazz mixed with traditional Igbo tunes was spread all around the world and was particularly popular in the 20th century. In the olden days the traditional Igbo religion is called Odinani they organize feast and masquerades to celebrate different festivals, the most popular is the New Yam festival, but nowadays majority of Igbos are Christians Although many Igbo people are now Christians, traditional Igbo religious practices still abound. The traditional Igbo religion includes an uncontested general reverence for Ala or Ana, the earth goddess, and beliefs and rituals related to numerous other male and female deities, spirits, and ancestors, who protect their living descendants.Hardworking and Industrious. The Igbo people are some of the most hardworking tribes in Nigeria and they are resilient people who do all their best to work hard and make a good earning for themselves.They are very Religious,the Igbo people are a very religious ethnic group as they believe so much in God and the existence of a divine being whom they referred to as Chineke even before Christianity was introduced to them.Igbo folks have claimed to have traced their origin to Israel. Igbos have oftentimes claimed that they may have originated from Israel,Igbos are believed to have strong love for money.

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