List Of Top 38 Calabar Names And Their Meaning?

JEROME MICHAEL EBRUPHIYO Tuesday, September 28, 2021 Basis

This post will provide the list of top 38 calabar names (Efik-Ibibio) and their meaning for boys and girls

1. What is the meaning of Akpan?

It means, “First Son.” People bear this as their names too. I’m sure that you have seen a few “Akpans” in your life.

2. what is the meaning of Aniefiok?

It’s the short form for “Aniefiok mkpong” meaning, “Who knows tomorrow?” It presents God as the omniscience—the one who knows everything and has the future in his hands.

3. what is thge meaninig of Aniekeme?

It means, “Who can?” The concept is to point people to the fact that only God can do anything, and everything.

4. what is the meaning of Anietie

It means “Who is like God?” Anietie is the short form for “Anietie-nte-Abasi”

5. what is the meaning of Edara?

Edara means, “rejoice', "celebrate", "merry".

6. what is the meaning ofEdikan ?

It means, “Victory.”or 'winner".

7.whatis the meaning of Ekanem ?

It means "root"in the Efik culture.

8. what is the meanijng of Ekemini?

It means " Appointed time'

9. what is the meaning of Ekpo?

Ekpo means, “Ghost” or “Masquarade.”

10. what is the meaning of Eno-Obong?

It means “God’s gift” or “a gift from God.”

11. what is the meaning of Etiowo

“Etiwowo” means “Good Person”.

12. what is the meaning of idara?

Idara means “Joy.”

13. what is the meaning of Ifiok?

It means “Wisdom.”

14. hat is the meaning of Ima-Obong?

It means, “God’s Love.”

15. what is the meaning of ima?

Ima is Love.

16. what is the meaning of Imo or Imoh?

It means, “Wealthy” or “Rich.”

17. what is the meaning of Inemesit ?

It means, “Happiness.” Rejoice"

18. what is the meaning of Itoro?

It means, “Praise.” “Itoro-Obong” or “Itoro-Abasi” meaning, “God’s praise.”

19.what is the meaning of Kufre?

It means, “Don’t forget.” It’s like a shorter way of saying, “Kufre-Abasi” which means, “Do not forget God.”

20. what is the meanig of Mfon-Obong?

It means, “God’s grace”

21. what is the meaning of Mkpo-Uto?

It means, “Precious”.

22. what is the meaning of Ndifreke-Abas?

It means, “I will never forget God.”

23. what is the meaning of Nsemeke?

It means, “I will not lament.”

24. what is the meaning of Okon?

it means "Night"

25. what is the meaning of Oto-bong?

It means, “From God.”

26. what is the meaning of Ubok-Obong/Ubok Ababsi ?

It means, “God’s hand.”.

27. what is the meaning of Ubong/

It means “Glory.”

28. what is the meaning of Udo?

it means, “Second Son.”

29. what is the meaning of uduak?

It means, “Will” and “Uduak-Obong” means “God’s will”.

30.what is the meaning of Uforo ?

Uforo means Progress.

31.what is the meaning of Ukeme?

It means, “Might.” “Ukeme-Obong” or “Ukeme-Abasi” means, “God’s might.”

32. .what is the meaning of Uko?

It means, “Courage.”

33. what is the meaning of Unwan?

It means, “Light.”

34. .what is the meaning of Unyime?

it means elfish/stingy people because “unyim” means “selfish.”

35. what is the meaning of Utit-ofon?

means, “the end is good

36. what is the meaning of Uwen?

It means, “Life”.

37. Uya?

It means, “Beauty.”

38. what is the meaning of Uyo-Obong ?

It means, “The voice of God.”

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