List Of The 34 Local Government Areas In Katsina State And Their Towns In Nigeria

JEROME MICHAEL EBRUPHIYO Tuesday, October 12, 2021 Basis

This post will provide information on the list of the 34 local government areas in Katsina state and their towns in Nigeria as well as provide answers to questions like: What is history of Katsina? Which is the dominant tribe found in Katsina State? What is Katsina known for? What is the motto of Katsina State?How many local government areas are in Katsina State? Which is the largest local government in Katsina State?Which is the dominant tribe found in Katsina State? What is the capital of Katsina?

Brief History of Katsina State in Nigeria

Katsina State is a state in the northwestern geopolitical zone of Nigeria. Katsina State was created in 1987, when it split from Kaduna State. Today, Katsina State borders Kaduna, Zamfara, Kano, and Jigawa States. Nicknamed the "Home of Hospitality", both the state capital and the town of Daura have been described "ancient seats of Islamic culture and learning" in Nigeria. the Hausa-Fulani people are the largest ethnic group in the state, and Islam is the most practiced religion.[5] In 2005, Katsina became the fifth state in Nigeria to adopt Sharia law.[

List of Local Government Areas in Katsina State and Their Towns in Nigeria

1. Bakori Local Government Area

It is located in Bakori town with about 12 other towns and villages which includes:
  • Kakumi
  • Kandarawa
  • Kurami/Yankwani
  • Tsiga
  • Kabomo
  • Jargaba
  • Guga
  • Dawan Musa
  • Magaji
  • Kwantakwaram
  • Gazara
  • Barde

2. Batagarawa Local Government Area

It has about 9 districts which include:
  • Batagarawa
  • Barawa
  • Jino
  • Kayauki
  • Tsanni
  • Yargamji
  • Ajiwa
  • Bikiyawa
  • Dandagoro

3. Batsari Local Government Area

It is located in Batsari town with about 12 other towns and villages which include:
  • Kagara
  • Abadau
  • Batsari
  • Magaji
  • Kandawa
  • Karare
  • Madogara
  • Manawa
  • Ruma
  • Wagini
  • Yauyau/Mailamawa
  • Yangaiya

4. Baure Local Government Area

It has its administrative office in Baure town with about 12 other towns and districts which include:
  • Agala
  • Baure
  • Garki
  • Kagara
  • Mai-Bara
  • Taramnawa,/li>
  • Yanduna
  • Unguwar
  • Muduri
  • Babban-Mutum
  • Yanmauuli Rai
  • Hui

5. Bindawa Local Government Area

It is located in Bindawa town with about 9 other towns and districts which includea:
  • Doro
  • Faru/Dallaji
  • Gaiwa
  • Giremawa
  • Jibawa
  • Kamri
  • Shibdawa
  • Tama/Daye
  • Yangoro

6. Charanchi Local Government Area

It is located in Charanchi town with about 18 other towns and villages which include:
  • Banye
  • Charanchi
  • Doya
  • Radda
  • Safana
  • Ganuwa
  • Koda
  • Kuraye
  • Tsakatsa
  • Maje
  • Wayya
  • Dafara
  • Kadanye
  • Kumuye
  • Kuraje
  • Tsaski
  • Yaruku
  • Yana

7. Dan-Musa Local Government Area

It comprises of about 7 districts and towns which include:
  • Dan Ali
  • Dan Alkima
  • Dandire 1 and 2
  • Dan Musa 1 and 2
  • Mai Dobino 1 and 2
  • Mara
  • Yantumaki

8. DanDume Local Government Area

it is located in Dandume town with about 12 other towns and villages which include:
  • Magaji Wando 1 and 2
  • Dandume 1 and 2
  • Mahuta 1 and 2
  • Nasaarawa
  • Tumbarkai
  • Dan-Soda
  • Dantakari
  • Ilalla
  • Jiruwa
  • Magaji-Wando
  • Mahuta
  • Mai Kwama

9. Danja Local Government Area

It has its administrative office in anja town with about 7 other towns and villages which include:
  • Dabai
  • Danja
  • Jiba
  • Kahutu
  • Tandama
  • Tsaugamuwa (Tsangamawa)
  • Yakaji

10. Daura Local Government Area

It is located in Daura town with about 18 other towns and districts which include:
  • Daberam
  • Gurjiya
  • Sharawa Daura
  • Maji Yawa
  • Yarogel
  • Ganga
  • Suduji
  • Bauni
  • Zari
  • Bojo
  • Daura
  • Don-Nakola Garjiya
  • Dunu
  • Lambu-Tudu
  • Jambu
  • Kalgo
  • Kamfawa
  • Kurneji

11. Dutsi Local Government Area

It is located in Dutsi town with about 16 other towns and villages which include:
  • Baugel
  • Dan Rumai
  • Sirika
  • Madawa
  • Kayawa
  • Macinawa
  • Makan Gara
  • Tashar-Wali
  • Yamel
  • Shargalle
  • Danaunai
  • Dinya Mai
  • Be'al
  • Beguwa
  • Danaunai
  • Dan-Kowa

12. Dutsin-Ma Local Government Area

It has its administrative office in Dustin-Ma town with about 8 other towns and districts which include:
  • Bagagadi
  • Dagelawai
  • Dan-Ali
  • Dorawa
  • Katanga
  • Dabawa
  • Kagara
  • Rayi-Faguwa

13. Faskari Local Government Area

It is located in Faskari town with about 16 other towns and villages which include:
  • Mairuwa
  • Bakarya
  • Doma
  • Bagudu
  • Bele
  • Bilbis
  • Karmanje U/Bikka
  • Fankama
  • Kogo
  • Kwabirshawa
  • Mai Gora
  • Birnin Kogo
  • D/Ba'u
  • Kwakware Sheme
  • Daudawa
  • Kanon Haki

14. Funtua Local Government Area

It has its headquarters in the semi-urban town of Funtua with about 15 other towns and districts which include:
  • Dukke
  • F/Dadutsi
  • F/Maikatawa
  • F/Ta Gabas
  • F/TaYamma
  • F/Tanimu
  • F/Tudu
  • F/Wawa
  • Farin
  • Goya
  • Illala
  • Jabiri
  • Maigamiji
  • Mairuwa
  • Makera
  • Maska

15. Ingawa Local Government Area

It has its administrative headquarters in Ingawa town with about 7 other towns and villages which include:
  • Agayawa
  • Bidore
  • Dara
  • Yaya
  • Dugul
  • Daunaka
  • Jobe

16. Jibia Local Government Area

It consists of about 12 districts and towns which include:
  • Farfaru
  • Mallamawa
  • Gangara
  • Kusa
  • Riko
  • Yangaiya
  • Gulbin Baure
  • Magama
  • Maje
  • Mallamawa
  • Mazanya
  • Bugaje

17. Kafur Local Governmenrt Area

It comprises of about 18 other districts and towns which include:
  • Yari-Bori
  • Masari
  • Mahuta
  • Gozaki
  • Kanya
  • Dustin Kura
  • Dantutture
  • Yar-Talata
  • Kafur
  • Rigaji
  • Barakai
  • Dan Kanjiba
  • Dan Kwaro
  • Dantige
  • Dayawa
  • Dutse
  • Dutsin-Yanke
  • Gamzako

18. Kaita Local Government Area

It is located in Kaita town with about 20 other towns and districts which include:
  • Baawa
  • Dankaba
  • Dankama
  • Girka
  • Karta
  • Matsai
  • Yandaki
  • Yanhoho
  • Abdallawa
  • Allemi
  • Bado
  • Dagon Dawa
  • Damgamji
  • DanBazau
  • DanKunama
  • DanTudu
  • Dankunama
  • Daurawa
  • Tsamiye
  • Dumbasa

19. Kankara Local Government Area

It accounts as the largest of the area council in the state and consist of about 15 other towns and districts which include:
  • Kankara
  • Zango
  • Zabaro
  • Wawarkaza
  • Hurya
  • Burdugau
  • Dan Murabu Garaji
  • Dan Maidaki
  • Gatakawa
  • Kukasheka
  • Pauwa
  • Almajiraiwa
  • Arewa
  • Bagoma
  • Da-Kumeji

20. Kankia or Kankiya Local Government Area

It is located in Kankia town with about 15 other towns and villages which include:
  • Sakuntuni
  • Rimaye
  • Tafashiya
  • Nassarawa
  • Kunduru
  • Kafin Dangi
  • Fakuwa
  • Galadima
  • Gachi
  • Gyaza
  • Magam
  • Kankia
  • Tsa
  • Dan Doro
  • Gidan Mutum

21. Katsina Local Government Area

It is located in Katsina city with about 15 other cities and districts which include:
  • Wakilin Yamma
  • Galadiman
  • Gabasawa
  • Baki Yawa
  • Dandagora
  • Galadiman Arewa
  • Ajiwa
  • Dustin Safe
  • Galadiman Kudu
  • Gwado
  • Jino
  • Kayauki
  • Madaji Madu
  • Modoji
  • Shinkafi

22. Kurfi Local Government Area

It consists of about 10 communities which incl;ude:
  • Birchi
  • Barkiya
  • Rawayau
  • Tsauri
  • Wurma
  • Gwanzo
  • Kufan Agga
  • Kware
  • Tamawa
  • Tamu

23. Kusada Local Government Area

It is located in Kusada town with about 13 towns and villages which include:
  • Kofa
  • Dudunni
  • Yashe
  • Kusada
  • Bauranya
  • Aganta
  • Baurawa
  • Dangamau
  • Kai-Kai
  • Magama-Gidan Mutun Daya
  • Mairana
  • Mawashi
  • Tufani

24. Mai-Adua Local Government Area

It is located in Mai'Adua town with about 17 other towns and villages which include:
  • Koza
  • Mai-Koni
  • Natsalle
  • Mai-Adua
  • Saitawa
  • Makerawa
  • Kwadage
  • Galadimawa
  • Baida
  • Buduma
  • Bula
  • Daba
  • Dadin Sarki
  • Dagon Hawa
  • Dagura
  • Dan Nasara
  • Kurchi

25. Malumfashi Local Government Area

It has about 13 towns and villages which include:
  • Yarmama
  • Yaba
  • Rawan Sanyi
  • Na-Alma
  • Karfi
  • Dayi
  • Birin Dawa
  • Dansarai
  • Gorar Dansaka
  • Agagiwa
  • Allah Madagara<
  • Almakiyayi
  • Yaro

26. Mani Local Government Area

It is located in Mani town with about 14 other towns and districts which include:
  • Bagiwa
  • Kwotta
  • Machika
  • Muduru
  • Jani
  • Bujawa
  • Gewayau
  • Aliyaba
  • Bakan Karo
  • Birjiwa
  • Dawan-Makawu
  • Duwan
  • Gajema
  • Hancheta

27. Mashi Local Government Area

It has about 18 districts and towns which include:
  • Gallu
  • Jigawa
  • Karau
  • Sonkaya
  • Tamilo
  • Agalla
  • Badauri
  • Bamle
  • Birnin Kuka
  • Dindiyel
  • Dokawa
  • Karawa
  • Majigiri
  • Mashi
  • Morawa
  • Shargalle
  • Saye

28. Matazu Local Government Area

It is located in Matazu town with about 15 other towns and villages which include:
  • Sayaya
  • Mazoji
  • Kogari
  • Karaduwa
  • Gwarjo
  • Dissii
  • Dan-Kwari
  • Gidan-Dangata
  • Gidan-Karo
  • Gyazawa
  • Jataka
  • Jumawa
  • Karmatako
  • Rinjin-Gora
  • Rinjin-Idi

29. Musawa Local Government Area

It has an administrative headquarters in Musawa town with about 15 other towns and districts which include:
  • Dangani
  • Danjanku
  • Karachi
  • Gingin
  • Tuge
  • Yaradau
  • Tabanni
  • Kurkujan
  • Kira
  • Aljawa
  • Daminawa
  • Dan Kado
  • Farin-Dutse
  • Filalawa
  • Garu

30. Rimi Local Government Area

it is a town and doubles as an area council headquarter with about 14 other towns and villages which include:
  • Sabon-Garin
  • Iyatawa
  • Kurabau
  • Masabo
  • Makurda
  • Remawa
  • Majengobir
  • Kadandani
  • Fardami
  • Abukur
  • Allaraini
  • Bardayya
  • Bujawa
  • Dan Musa

31. Sabuwa Local Government Area

It is located in Sabuna town with about 17 other towns and villages which includea:
  • Sayau
  • Damari
  • Dugun Mu'Azu
  • Gamji
  • Machika
  • Rafin Iwa
  • Maibbako
  • Albasa
  • Awala
  • Doka
  • Gazari
  • Ginanna Gobirawa
  • Hayin Issau
  • Kabalawa
  • Katsalle
  • Mazare
  • Rumada

32. Safana Local Government Area

it is located in Safana town with about 19 other towns and villages which include:
  • Zakka
  • Runka
  • Baure
  • Tsaskiya
  • B/Dahu
  • Bare-Bari
  • Baude
  • Dabbana Duhu
  • Dan-Jukku
  • Dan-Magaya
  • Gora
  • Guzarawa
  • Illela
  • Kunamawa
  • Maikada
  • Mammadau
  • Moniya
  • Unadau
  • Yarlilo

33. Sandamu Local Government Area

It consists of about 17 districts oand towns which include:
  • Danji
  • Rade
  • Sandamu
  • Katsayal
  • Karkarku
  • Kwasarawa
  • Dadin-Kowa
  • Rijiyar Tsamiya
  • Ruma
  • Damagi Yan-Manuwa
  • Duku-Duku
  • Fago
  • Gazori
  • Ingawa
  • Jar-Kuka
  • Jiba
  • Kaibaki

34. Zango Local Government Area

It has its administrative office in Zango town with about 9 other towns and districts which include:
  • Yardaje
  • Sara
  • Dargage
  • Garni
  • Gwamba
  • Kanda
  • Kawarin Kudi
  • Ragogo-Cidari
  • Molawamai Madaka

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