List Of The 27 Local Government Areas And Their Towns In Borno State Nigeria

JEROME MICHAEL EBRUPHIYO Monday, October 4, 2021 Basis

This post will provide information on the list of the 27 local government areas and their towns in Borno state Nigeria as well as provide answers to questions like: Who created Borno State? What are the 27 local government in Borno State? How many local government area are in Borno? Is Maiduguri A local government? Which local government is big in Borno State? When was Borno State created? What is the history of Borno empire? How many tribes are in Borno State?

Brief History of Borno State in Nigeria

After Nigerian independence in 1960, the State of Borno remained fairly autonomous until the expansion of the number of States in Nigeria to 12 in 1967. Local government reform in 1976 further reduced the power of the emirs of the former dynasty, and by the time of Nigeria's return to civilian rule in 1979, the emirs' jurisdiction has been restricted solely to cultural and traditional affairs. The emirs still exist and serve as advisers to the local government. Mala Kachallah was elected governor of Borno State in 1999 under the flagship of the then APP (All Peoples Party) later ANPP. Ali Modu Sheriff was elected governor of Borno State in Nigeria in April 2003. He is a member of the All Nigeria People's Party (ANPP). Ali Sheriff was the first governor in Borno State to win the seat two consecutive times. Boko Haram's insurgency began in 2009, with Borno being the worst-affected area. On 14 May 2013, President Goodluck Jonathan declared a state of emergency in northeastern Nigeria, including Borno State along with the neighboring states of Adamawa and Yobe. This happened after fighting between Boko Haram and the state armed forces killed 200 people in the town of Baga. The State has a predominance of Kanuri people. Other ethnic groups such as Lapang, Babur/Bura and Marghi are also found in the southern part of the State. Shuwa Arabs are mainly the descendants of Arab people and is an example of the endurance of traditional political institutions in some areas of Africa, where the emirs of the former Kanem–Bornu Empire have played a part in the politics of this area for nearly 1,000 years. The current Kanemi dynasty gained control of the Borno Emirate in the early 19th century after the Fulani jihad of Usman dan Fodio. Conquered by Rabih in 1893, Borno was invaded by the British, French and Germans at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1902, the British officially incorporated Borno into the Northern Nigeria Protectorate and established a new capital at Maiduguri or Yerwa in 1907, which remains the capital to this day.

Culture and Belief of the People of Borno State in Nigeria

Islam continues to be the dominant faith practiced in Borno State, with an equally large number of adherents of Christianity and other faiths spread throughout and living within the region. Sharia operates as the primary foundation for the development, interpretation, and enforcement of most civic codes and laws.

List of Local Government Areas and their towns in Borno State Nigeria

1. Abadam Local Government Area

It is situated in Malumfatori town with about 9 towns which include;
  • Banowa
  • Jabullam
  • Fuguwa
  • Arege
  • Yau
  • Yawa Kura
  • Mollam Kaunari
  • Kudokurgu

2. Askira/Uba Local Government Area

It is located in the town of Askira and has about 14 districts and communities which include;
  • Bagiau
  • Chul
  • Dum Bam
  • Giwa Kir Koma
  • Jimbulumu
  • Kauthlama
  • Njoma
  • Uba
  • Uwataku
  • Yimirali
  • Dille
  • Gegombi
  • Huyum
  • Kuhi

3. Bama Local Government Area

It consists of about 2 districts, Kaigamari and Zarawuyaku. And about 8 wards and towns which include;
  • Andara
  • Ajiri Wulba
  • Buduwa
  • Jere
  • G.R.A
  • Lowcost Housing Estate
  • Malima Road

4. Bayo Local Government Area

It is located in Biriyel town and consists of about 10 wards and communities which include;
  • Bayo
  • Balbaya
  • Fikayel
  • Gamadadi
  • Jara Dali
  • Jara Gol
  • Limanti
  • Teli
  • Wuyo
  • Zara

5. Biu Local Government Area

It consist of about 16 district and towns which include;
  • Zarawuyaku
  • Waka
  • Mandara
  • Abdu
  • Garwashina
  • Tabra
  • Burutai
  • Dadin Kowa
  • Dugja
  • Garubula
  • Gur
  • Kenken
  • Mandara Girau
  • Miringa
  • Sulumthla
  • Yawi

6. Chibok Local Government Area

It consist of about 12 villages and towns which include;
  • Garu
  • Likama
  • Wuntaku
  • Gatamarwa
  • Kautikari
  • Korongilim
  • Kuburmbula
  • Mbalala
  • Mboa Kura
  • Pemi
  • Shikarkir
  • Chibok

7. Damboa Local Government Area

It is located in Damboa town and has about 18 towns which include;
  • Ajign
  • Azur
  • Multe
  • Forfor
  • Bego
  • Yerwa
  • Ngurna
  • Damboa
  • Gumsuri
  • Misakurbudu
  • Kafa
  • Mafi
  • Mulgwai
  • Kopchi
  • Nguda
  • Wuyaram
  • Wawa
  • Korede

8. Dikwa Local Government Area

It is an emirate, headquarter and a local government area at the same time with about 17 towns and villages which include;
  • Dikwa
  • Sheffri
  • Boboshe
  • Dikwa
  • Gajibo
  • Magarta
  • Mallam Maja
  • Mudu
  • Kaza
  • Muliye
  • Jemuri
  • Ngudoram
  • Sogoma
  • Afuye
  • Ufaye
  • Gujile
  • 9. Gubio Local Government Area

    It is located in the town of Gubio with about 9 towns which include;
    • Ardimini
    • Dabira
    • Felo
    • Gamowo
    • Gazabure
    • Gubio Town
    • Kingowa
    • Ngetra
    • Zowo
  • 10. Guzamala Local Government Area

    It is located in Gudumbali town with about 10 wards and communities;
    • Aduwa
    • Gudumbali East
    • Gudumbali West
    • Guworam
    • Guzamala East
    • Guzamala West
    • Kingarwa
    • Mairari
    • Moduri
    • Wamiri

    11. Gwoza Local Government Area

    It has its headquarters in Gwoza town and consist of about 18 wards and communities which include;
    • Ashigashia
    • Balangaje
    • Balazala
    • Barawa
    • Bokko
    • Bulabulin
    • Duma
    • Falagwe
    • Gadful
    • Bubayawa Gudul
    • Ngoshe Pulka
    • Ashigashiya
    • Bita
    • Izge
    • Dure
    • Wala
    • Warabe

    12. Hawul Local Government Area

    Its administrative headquarter is located in Azare town with about 14 wards and districts which include;
    • Sakwa
    • Kwajaffa Hang
    • Kwaya-Bur
    • Tanga-Rumta
    • Marama
    • Kidang
    • Pama
    • Whitambaya
    • Puba
    • Vidau
    • Lokoja
    • Hema
    • Hawul
    • Shaffa

    13. Jere Local Government Area

    It is located in the town of Khaddamari with about 15 towns and villages which include;
    • Dala-Lawanti
    • Dusuman
    • Gamboru
    • Gomari
    • Gongulong
    • Jere
    • Koshebe
    • Lawanti
    • Maimusari
    • Mairi
    • Mashamari
    • Masu
    • Ngudda
    • Tuba

    14. Kaga Local Government Area

    It is located in Benisheikh town with about 16 communities and towns which include;
    • Afa
    • Borgozo
    • Dogoma
    • Jalori
    • Dongo
    • Galangi
    • Guwo
    • Karagawaru
    • Mainok
    • Marguba
    • Ngamdu
    • Shettimari
    • Tobolo
    • Wajiro
    • Burgumma
    • Wassaram

    15. Kala Local Government Area

    It is located in Rann town with about 14 wards and towns which include;
    • Kalam
    • Kulakula
    • Kulakura
    • Kulkaraka
    • Kutilar
    • Mada
    • Moholo
    • Masana
    • Maleri
    • Mokholo
    • Ran
    • Sabba
    • Sigal
    • Tilam

    16. Konduga Local Government Area

    It consist of about 16 towns and wards which include;
    • Lamboa
    • Bazamri
    • Dalori
    • Kellumiri
    • Konduga
    • Malari
    • Ngalimari
    • Wanori
    • Yabal
    • Garu
    • Auno
    • Chabbol
    • Wanori
    • Dawa East
    • Kangamari
    • Jewu

    17. Kukawa Local Government Area

    It consists of about 15 districts and villages which include;
    • Alagarno
    • Baga
    • Kanembu Adua Ajiri
    • Alagama
    • Bundur
    • Dogoshi
    • Doro
    • Duguri
    • Kauwa
    • Kekeno
    • Kukawa
    • Moduari
    • Barwari
    • Yoyo

    18. Kwaya Local Government Area

    It has its administrative headquarter in Kwaya Kusar town with about 12 districts and villages which include;
    • Gondi
    • Kusar
    • Gusi
    • Billa
    • Guwal
    • Kubuku
    • Kurba
    • Kwaya Kusar
    • Peta
    • Wada
    • Yimirthalang
    • Algarno

    19. Mafa Local Government Area

    It is located in Mafa town with about 14 districts and towns which include;
    • Masu
    • Mujigine
    • Tamsu
    • Ngamdua
    • Anadua
    • Kajari
    • Loslari
    • Mafa-Nguranna
    • Mafa
    • Abbari
    • Mbuta
    • Mijigine
    • Siguabuya
    • Umarari

    20. Magumeri Local Government Area

    it consist of about 14 communities which include;
    • Hoyo
    • Magumeri
    • Ayi
    • Yasku
    • Furram
    • Borno Yesu
    • Gaji Ganna
    • Chin
    • Gowa
    • Ngubala
    • Ngamma
    • Kavevam
    • Ngamma II
    • Kalizoram

    21. Maiduguri Local Government Area

    It doubles as both the local government area and the state capital of Benue State with about 11 districts which include;
    • Maiduguri Urban
    • Bolori I and II
    • Bulablin I and II
    • Gamboru Liberty
    • Gwange I and II
    • Shehuri North
    • Shehiri South
    • Mafoni
    • Limanti
    • Lamisula
    • Jabba Mari
    • 22. Marte Local Government Area

      It is located in Marte town with about 12 districts which include;
      • Ala
      • Marte
      • Alla Lawanti
      • Borsori
      • Gumna
      • Kulli
      • Kirenowa
      • Mawulli
      • Njine
      • Zaga
      • Kabuluwa

      23. Mobbar Local Government Area

      It is located in Damasak town with about 9 communities and villages which include;
      • Chamba
      • Asaga
      • Mobbar
      • Damasak
      • Duji
      • Kaveto
      • Layi
      • Zanna Umorti
      • Ghashagar
      • 24. Monguno Local Government Area

        Its headquarter can be found in Monguno town with about 10 towns and villages which include;
        • Monguno Kumalia
        • Damakuli
        • Kaguram
        • Mintar
        • Mofio
        • Ngurno
        • Sure
        • Wulo
        • Yele
        • Zulum

        25. Ngala Local Government Area

        It has its administrative headquarters in Gambolu Town with about 12 districts which include;
        • Gambolu
        • Fuye I and II
        • Ngala
        • Ndufu
        • Sagir
        • Tunokalia
        • Warshele
        • Wulgo
        • Rana
        • Wurge
        • Old Gamboru
        • Logumane

        26. Nganzai Local Government Area

        It has an administrative headquarter in Gajiram town with about 12 communities and villages which include;
        • Nganzai
        • Badu
        • Alarge
        • Damaram
        • Gadai
        • Kuda
        • Kurnawa
        • Maiwa
        • Miye
        • Sugundure
        • Gajiram
        • Sabsabuwa

        27. Shani Local Government Area

        It consist of about 13 towns which include;
        • Gasi
        • Buma
        • Bargu
        • Shani
        • Lakundum
        • Gora
        • Gwolasho
        • Gwashaka
        • Kombo
        • Kubo
        • Kwaba
        • Salifawa
        • Wokama

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