List Of The 23 Local Government Areas And Their Towns In Benue State Nigeria

JEROME MICHAEL EBRUPHIYO Monday, October 4, 2021 Basis

This post will provide information on the list of the 23 local government areas and their towns in Benue state Nigeria as well as provide answers to questions like: Who is the richest man in Gboko? How many local government areas are there in Benue State? What tribe is Benue? When did Benue State created? How many tribes are there in Benue? Who is the richest man in Gboko?

Brief History of Benue State in Nigeria

Urbanization in Benue State did not predate the colonial era. The few towns established during colonial rule remained very small (less than 30,000 people) up to the creation of Benue State in 1976. Benue towns can be categorised into three groups. The first group consists of those with a population of 80,000 to 500,000 people. These include Makurdi, the State Capital, Gboko and Otukpo the "headquarters" of the two dominant ethnic groups (125,944 and 88,958 people respectively). The second group comprises towns with a population of between 20,000 and 50,000 people and includes Katsina-Ala, Zaki-Biam, Ukum , and Adikpo, Kwande. These are all local government headquarters. The third category comprises towns with a population of 10,000 to 19,000 people and includes Vandeikya, Lessel, Ihugh, Naka, Adoka, Aliade, Okpoga, Igumale, Oju, Utonkon, Ugbokolo, Wannune, Ugbokpo, Otukpa, Ugba and Korinya. Most of these towns are headquarters of recently created Local Government Areas and/or district headquarters or major market areas. Some of the headquarters of the newly created LGAs have populations of less than 10,000 people. Such places include Tse-Agberaba, Gbajimba, Buruku, Idekpa, Obagaji and Obarikeito. Apart from earth roads, schools, periodic markets and chemists (local drug stores), the rural areas are largely used for farming, relying on the urban centres for most of their urban needs. Benue State has no problem of capital city primacy. Rather, three towns stand out very clearly as important urban centres which together account for more than 70 per cent of the social amenities provided in the state and almost all the industrial establishments. These centres are Makurdi, Gboko and Otukpo. They are amongst the oldest towns in the state and are growing at a much faster rate than the smaller younger towns.

Culture and Belief of the People of Benue State in Nigeria

Benue State region was depleted of its human population during the slave trade. It is largely rural, with scattered settlements mainly in tiny compounds or homesteads, whose population range from 630 people, most of whom are farmers. It is renowned as the "Heartbeat of the Middle Belt" and the "Entertainment Capital of the Middle Belt" north of the Niger River. The state is populated by several ethnic groups: Tiv, Idoma, Igede, Etulo, Abakpa, Jukun, Hausa, Igbo, Akweya and Nyifon.

List of Local Government Areas and their towns in Benue State Nigeria

1. Ado Local Government Area

It is located in the town of Igumale with about 12 towns which include;
  • Igah
  • Igedde
  • Ijigbam
  • Ikponkpon
  • Ogbee
  • Olekwu
  • Osabo
  • Osipi
  • Osukpo
  • Oturupo
  • Abisunya
  • Achibila

2. Agatu Local Government Area

It is located in Obagaji town with about 2 districts which are Agatu and Obaji.

3. Apa Local Government Area

It is located in Ugbokpo town with about 14 villages which include;
  • Ugbokpo
  • Iga
  • Akpete
  • Oiji
  • Ojope
  • Igoro
  • Ochekwu
  • Edikwu II
  • Achaba
  • Ahija
  • Adija
  • Akpanta
  • Amoke
  • Auke

4. Buruku Local Government Area

It is located in the town of Buruku and has about 12 districts which are;
  • Buruku
  • Etilo
  • Mbaakura
  • Binev
  • Mbaade
  • Mbaatirkya
  • Mbaazager
  • Mbarkyongo
  • Mbatyough
  • Mbaya
  • Mbayaka
  • Shorov

5. Gboko Local Government Area

It is located in Gboko town with about 8 district which include;
  • Gboko East
  • Gboko North-West
  • Gboko South
  • Igyorov
  • Mbaa Varakaa
  • Mbaanku
  • Mbadam
  • Mbakper

6. Guma Local Government Area

It is located in the town of Gbajimba and has about 10 districts which include;
  • Mbaawa
  • Mbabai
  • Mbasaan
  • Mbagwen and Uyiev
  • Daudu
  • Torkula
  • Kase-yough
  • Abinsi
  • Mbabegha
  • Agasha

7. Gwer East Local Government Area

It is located in the town of Aliade and has about 5 districts which include;
  • Yonor
  • Ngyonov
  • Njiriv
  • Raav
  • Mbakpa

8. Gwer West Local Government Area

It is located in the town of Naka with about 14 major towns which include;
  • Naka
  • Aondoana
  • Agagbe
  • Naji Camp
  • Jimba
  • Bunka
  • Kule
  • Yonov
  • Mbakpa
  • Raav
  • Njiriv
  • Ingohov
  • Ikyande
  • Enger

9. Katsina-Ala Local Government Area

It consists of about 9 districts which include;
  • Katsina-ota
  • Gbor
  • Ammatu
  • Tor-Donga
  • Abaji
  • Sai
  • Harga
  • Mbaton
  • Gbise

10. Konshisha Local Government Area

It is located in the town of Tse-Agberagba and has about 7 major towns which include;
  • Tse-Agberagba
  • Gungul
  • Mbavaa
  • Aba
  • Abagi
  • Aduu
  • Korinya

11. Kwande Local Government Area

It is located in the town of Adikpo with about 7 districts whichn include;
  • Nanev
  • Turan
  • Ikurave-Ya and Shangev-Ya
  • Tse-Gum-Mbayevikyaior
  • Ahile/AKende
  • Ahundu
  • Dio

12. Logo Local Government Area

Its administrative headquarter is at Ugba town with about 10 districts which include;
  • Torov
  • Mbaterem
  • Ucha
  • Gaambe Tiev
  • Ngenev
  • Ugondo
  • Tongov
  • Kpav
  • Gaambe-Va
  • Kyuran-Tiev

13. Makurdi Local Government Area

It is the state capital as well as the headquarters of Makurdi LGA, which consists of Makurdi (rural) districts with about 13 villages including;
  • Adaka
  • Adeke
  • Ajam
  • Agbadu
  • Agbeshir
  • Agenada
  • Akaan
  • Aki
  • Akigwe
  • Akpehe
  • Akume
  • Alla
  • Anter

14. Obi Local Government Area

Its administrative headquarter is at Obarike-Ito town with about 6 districts which include;
  • Ito
  • Adudu
  • Agwatashi
  • Akanga
  • Uwokwu
  • Igede

15. Ogbadibo Local Government Area

It is located in the town of Otukpa with about 3 major towns which include;
  • Ovakam
  • Owukpa
  • Otukpa

16. Ohimini Local Government Area

It is located in the town of Idekpa-Okpiko with major district of Onyagede and about 10 villages which include;
  • Ogodu
  • Enumona
  • Ogoli
  • Ogande
  • Umonomi
  • Okpiko
  • Iyaya
  • Idekpa
  • Awume
  • Ikpoke

17. Oju is a Local Government Area

The headquarter is at Oju town with districts of Igede central (Oju) and Uwokwu (Oju II), with about 6 villages which include;
  • Abelega
  • Adega
  • Abofutu
  • Adiko
  • Ameka
  • Akunda

18. Okpokwu Local Government Area

It is located in Okpoga town with about 6 districtswhich include;
  • Ichanna
  • Orokam
  • Otukpa
  • Owukpa
  • Okpoga
  • Edumoga

19. Otukpo Local Government Area

It consists of about 10 districts and communities which include;
  • Otukpo central
  • Ugboju-Ehole
  • Ugboju-Icho
  • Ugboju-Otehe
  • Adoka-Icho
  • Adoka-Itaje
  • Ewulo
  • Okete
  • Oturkpo town east
  • Otukpo town west

20. Tarka Local Government Area

It is located in Mannume town with about 17 districts and villages which include;
  • Tarka
  • Mbaajir
  • Akaa
  • Mbaigba
  • Mbaayo
  • Tongor
  • Yandev
  • Ipav
  • Mbayion
  • Mbatie
  • Mbalagh
  • Kusuv
  • Utur
  • Shorov
  • Mbagen
  • Mbatiav
  • Mbatierev

21. Ukum Local Government Area

The headquarter is located in Sankera town and is made up of about 12 districts which include;
  • Borikyo
  • Aterayange
  • Mbatian
  • Uvan
  • Ituuluv
  • Lumbur
  • Mbazum
  • Tsaar
  • Mbayenge
  • Ugbadan
  • Kendav
  • Azendesh

22. Ushongo Local Government Area

Its administrative headquarter is situated at Lessel town with about 10 districts and communities which include;
  • Mbaoka
  • Lessel
  • Mbagba
  • Mbakuha
  • Ikov
  • Mbaikyaa
  • Ushongo
  • Utange
  • Atirkyese
  • Mbaivende

23. Vandeikya Local Government Arera

The headquarter is located at Vandeikya with about 9 districts and communities which include;
  • Mingev
  • Mbaka-Ange
  • Mbaduka
  • Mbagbera
  • Mbayongo
  • Mbara
  • Ute
  • Mbava
  • Tsambe

| Comments(3) | Views(4654)
Guest1972211252225 Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Kwande add this once, Angir-Uyough,Adagi,Ada,Amahundu,Ikyogen,Ikor,Koti,Jato-Aka.

AUDU OLOCHE Sunday, October 9, 2022

Admin > Monday, November 7, 2022
Noted Sir! We are add it in our next update. Sorry for missing it

Terwase Ajibo Monday, October 30, 2023
I am in makurdi local government area.

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