List Of The 21 Local Government Areas In Anambra State And Their Towns In Nigeria

JEROME MICHAEL EBRUPHIYO Monday, October 4, 2021 Basis

This post will provide information on the list or the 21 local government areas in Anambra state and their towns in Nigeria as well as provide answers to questions like: How many local government areas are in Anambra? What are the twenty one local government in Anambra State? Which town is the biggest in Anambra State? Which town is the richest town in Anambra State? What is the origin of Anambra State? When was Anambra State created and by who? What is the meaning of Anambra State? Who created Anambra State in Nigeria?

Brief History of Anambra State in Nigeria

The history of Anambra state dates back to the 9th century AD, as revealed by archaeological excavations at Igbo-Ukwu and Ezira. It has great works of art in iron, bronze, copper, and pottery. These have revealed a sophisticated divine Kingship administrative system, which held sway in the area of Anambra from c. 948 AD to 1911. In some towns, such as Ogidi and others, local families had hereditary rights to kingship for centuries. Anambra is in the Igbo-dominated area that seceded as part of an independent Biafra in 1967, following rising tensions with Northern Nigeria. During the Nigerian/Biafran war (1967–1970), Biafran engineers constructed a relief airstrip in the town of Uli/Amorka (code named "Annabelle"). Extremely dangerous relief flights took off from Sao Tome and other sites loaded with tons of food and medicine for the distressed Biafran population. Uli/Amorka airstrip was the site where American pilots such as Alex Nicoll, and scores of others, delivered tons of relief supplies to the Biafran population. Old Anambra State was created in 1976 from part of East Central State, and its capital was Enugu. In 1991 a re-organisation divided Anambra into two states, Anambra and Enugu. The capital of Anambra is Awka.

Culture and Belief of the People of Anambra State in Nigeria

Nicknamed the "Light of the Nation", Anambra State is the eighth most populous state in the nation, although that has seriously been argued against as Onitsha, the state's biggest and most populous urban area was discovered to be over 8 million in population in 2019 by Africapolis which makes Onitsha the second largest urban area in Nigeria by population and third in Africa. The major religion practiced by the Anambra people is chridtianity and a mixture of traditional dieties

List of the Local Government Areas in Anambra State and their Towns in Nigeria

1. Aguata Local Government Area

It has headquarters in Aguata and has about 15 towns which include;
  • Achina
  • Agulueze Chukwu
  • Akpo
  • Amesi
  • Ekwuluobia
  • Ezinifite
  • Igbo-Ukwu
  • Isuofia
  • Uga
  • Umuchu
  • Nkpologwu
  • Oraeri
  • Isuanaoma
  • Umuona
  • Ikenga fall

2. Anambra East Local Government Area

It is located in the town of Otuocha and it has about 11 towns which include;
  • Umueri
  • Aguleri
  • Otuocha
  • Enugwu-Aguleri
  • Eziagulu-OtuM
  • Enugwu-Otu
  • Anam
  • Igbariam
  • Nando
  • Nsugbe

3. Anambra West Local Government Area

It is located at the town of Nzam with about 7 towns which include;
  • Ezianam
  • Ifite-Anam
  • Nzam
  • Olumbanasa
  • Oroma-Etiti
  • Umueze-Anam
  • Umuenwelum-Anam

4. Anaocha Local Government Area

The headquarter is in the town of Neni and has about 8 towns which include
  • Neni
  • Adazi-Enu
  • Adazi-Nnukwu
  • Agulu
  • Aguluzigbo
  • Ichida
  • Obeledu
  • Nri

5. Awka North Local Government Area

The headquarter is at Achalla Town and has about 9 towns which include;
  • Achalla
  • Amansea
  • Amanuke
  • Ebenebe
  • Isu-Aniocha
  • Mgbakwu
  • Ugbene
  • Ugbu-enu
  • Ukum

6. Awka South Local Government Area

It is located at Awka Town and comprises of about 9 towns and they are;
  • Amawbia
  • Ifite-Akwa
  • Ezinato
  • Ishiagu
  • Mbaukwu
  • Nibo
  • Nise
  • Okpuno
  • Umuawulu

7. Ayamelum Local Government Area

It is located in the town of Anaku with about 8 towns and they include;
  • Anaku
  • Omor
  • Omasi
  • Igbakwu
  • Umueje
  • Umumbo
  • Ifite Ogwari
  • Umuerum

8. Dunukofia Local Government Area

It is located at Ukpo Town Enugu-Onitsha Express, Ukpo Junction with about 6 towns which include;
  • Ukpo
  • Nawgu
  • Ifite-Dunu
  • Ukwulu
  • Umudioka
  • Umunachi

9. Ekwusigo Local Government Area

It is situated in Ozubulu and with about 4 towns which include;
  • Ozubulu
  • Oraifite
  • Ichi
  • Ihembosi

10. Idemili North Local Government Area

It is located in Ogidi and has about 10 towns which include;
  • Ogidi
  • Abacha
  • Abatete
  • Eziowelle
  • Ideani
  • Nkpor
  • Obosi
  • Oraukwu
  • Uke
  • Umuoji

11. Idemili South Local Government Area

It is in the town of Ojoto and with about 8 towns which are;
  • Ojoto
  • Alor
  • Akwa-Ukwu
  • Awka-Etiti
  • Nnobi
  • Nnokwa
  • Umunachi
  • Oba

12. Ihiala Local Government Area

It is located in the town of Ihiala Town and has about 10 towns including;
  • Ihiala
  • Azia
  • Okija
  • Mbosi
  • Amorka
  • Isseke
  • Orsumoghu
  • Ubuluisiuzor
  • Uli
  • Lilu

13. Njikoka Local Government Area

It is located in the town of Abagana and has about 6 towns which include;
  • Abagana
  • Enugwu-Ukwu
  • Nimo
  • Enugwu-Agidi
  • Nawfia
  • Abba
  • 14. Newi North Local Government Area

    It is situated in the town of Nnewi with compositions of four autonomous sub-towns of
    • Otolo
    • Uruagu
    • Umudim
    • Nnewi-Ichi

    15. Nnewi South Local Government Area

    It is located in Ukpor Town and has about 11 towns which include;
    • Ukpor
    • Ekwulumili
    • Amichi
    • Azigbo
    • Unubi
    • Osumenyi
    • Ogbodi
    • Ebenator
    • Utuh
    • Ezinifite
    • Akwaihedi

    16. Ogbaru Local Government Area

    It is located in the town of Atani and it comprises of about 16 towns which include;
    • Akili-Ogidi
    • Atani
    • Akili-Ozizor
    • Amiyi
    • Mputu
    • Obeagwe
    • Ohita
    • Odekpe
    • Ogbakugba
    • Ochuche-Umuodu
    • Ossomala
    • Ogwu-Aniocha
    • Umunankwo
    • Umuzu
    • Okpoko
    • Ogwu-Ikpere

    17. Onitsha North Local Government Area

    The headquarter is at Onitsha Town and Onitsha is the only town that make up the Local Government Area.

    18. Onitsha South Local Government Area

    The headquarter is at Fegge Town of Onitsha and has about 5 districts which are;
    • Upper-Iweka
    • Odoakpu
    • Woliwo
    • Awada
    • Ochanja

    19. Orumba North Local Government Area

    It is located in the town of Ajalli and consist of about 14 towns which include;
    • Akpu
    • Ajalli
    • Amaokpalla
    • Amaetiti
    • Awa
    • Nanka
    • Ndikelionwu
    • Ndiokolo
    • Ndiokpola
    • Ndiowu
    • Ndiukwue
    • Okpoeze
    • Omogho
    • Ufuma

    20. Orumba South Local Government Area

    It is located in Umunze Town and has about 13 towns which include;
    • Agbudu
    • Ezira
    • Eziagu
    • Enugwu-Umuonyia ihite
    • Isulo
    • Ndiokpoleze
    • Nkerehi
    • Ogboji
    • Ogbunka
    • Onneh
    • Owerre-Ezukala
    • Umunzem
    • Umuomoku

    21. Oyi Local Government Area

    It is located in the town of Nteje and has about 6 towns which include;
    • Ogbunnike
    • Awkuzu
    • Nkwelle-Ezunaka
    • Nteje
    • Umunebe
    • Umunya

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That was helpful

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That was helpful

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