The Responsibilities Of Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) In Nigeria

Timirich Thursday, November 18, 2021 Basis



Every Nigerian driver and indeed and most of the passengers know about the FRSC. Sadly, this is because many disobey the road and traffic rules. Therefore, it is not strange to hear people say “police is on the road o” as a warning to either use your seat belt or drive carefully. Many do not know the purpose, mission of the red coloured beret officers. This post will provide information on the responsibilities of the FRSC in Nigeria, Brief history of FRSC in Nigeria and also provide answers to questions related to FRSC in Nigeria.

Brief History of the Federal Road Safety Corp (FRSC) in Nigeria

First we will would love to talk about the history of the federal road safety corp(FRSC) in Nigeria. In February 1988, the Federal Government created the Federal Road Safety Commission through Decree No. 45 of the 1988 as amended by Decree 35 of 1992 referred to in the statute books as the FRSC Act cap 141 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria (LFN). Passed by the National Assembly as Federal Road Safety Commission (establishment) Act 2007. Did you know that one of the most issued traffic citations is for driving too fast? In many areas, even though there is a certain speed posted, drivers have been instructed to go with the flow of traffic. Unfortunately, this can lead to some improperly issued traffic citations. Each day in jurisdictions all over the world, hundreds of people are pulled over for what appears to be driving above the speed limit. Although in many of those cases, the drivers were at fault, what about the rivers who were pulled over unfairly? If you feel that you did not deserve the citation you received, you need to get on a phone and make an appointment to meet with a speeding ticket lawyer, here you can read about speeding ticket attorney. We live in a world dominated by transportation. We are surrounded by trains and planes, cars and trucks and even buses, motorcycles and bicycles. Because of this deluge of vehicles we are either surrounded by or riding in, there is an increased chance of being injured. We may be involved in an auto or motorcycle accident while driving or we may even be hit while minding our own business as a pedestrian. Whatever the cause of our injury we are going to be suffering from the effects of that injury and if the accident was caused by someone else we may need to file an accident injury claim as a result. The size of the claim will depend on the seriousness of your injuries. For instance you may be involved in a car accident and only have slight injuries which lead to only a minimal amount of medical attention and time off work. On the other hand, if you are involved in an accident while riding a motorcycle your injuries are more likely to be significant and you may need significant medical treatment and months or even years of recovery, if full recovery is even possible, that’s why it’s always important to wear motorcycle helmets while riding motorcycles to avoid serious head injuries. Because of the severity of the injuries the injury claim will obviously need to be much greater.If this is the case it will be more important to get reliable advice and legal support. In other words, you will want to get the help of a qualified accident injury attorney. You will want the help of an attorney that has plenty of experience in these types of cases and a good track record of success. For legal advice you can get help from Manhattan UBER and Left Accident Injury Attorney. Mr. Duffy is an experienced and accomplished trial lawyer whose practice focuses on Domestic Violence, DUI & Criminal Defense, and Automobile Accidents. He has represented a broad array of individuals at all stages of the case life cycle. Mr. Duffy has extensive state court trial experience. Transportation Nation suggests that if the police would get serious about issuing speeding tickets in the Bronx Personal Injury Attorney ASK4SAM and throughout the city, the instances of personal injury would decrease. Instead, records indicate that the NYPD issued four times as many citations for tinted windows last year as they did for speeding. It would be possible for Bronx authorities, police officers, and advocacy groups to argue all day regarding who is to blame and how to best solve the problem of bicyclists who suffer injury because of drivers. However, for those cyclists, pedestrians, and other drivers who suffer injury, it is often not possible to find resolution or a sense of justice within the criminal court system. Often times, the responsible driver is not cited in the incident, or if they are, nothing seems to come of it. For those who have suffered personal injury in the Bronx, the best recourse is most often found through the help of a Bronx personal injury lawyer. Your lawyer does not have to depend upon overworked police forces or Bronx ADAs who have decided that society has decriminalized certain actions that cause injury. Rather, your lawyer will simply focus on getting you the compensation you deserve by holding the responsible party accountable. Contact a Bronx personal injury lawyer today for the justice and the closure you are seeking.

What is the Meaning of the FRSC

The meaning is termed as "Federal Road Safety Corp"

The Vision Statement of the Federal Road Safety Corp In Nigeria

To eradicate road traffic crashes and create safe motoring environment in Nigeria

The Mission Statement of the Federal Road Safety Corp in Nigeria

The Mission of the Corps is to Regulate, Enforce and Coordinate all Road Traffic and Safety Management activities through, and also to Sustained public enlightenment for Promotion of stakeholder’s cooperation on Robust data management to Improved vehicle administration on Prompt rescue services for Effective patrol operation

Responsibilities of the Federal Road Safety Corp in Nigeria

  • Preventing or minimizing accidents on the highway
  • Clearing obstructions on any part of the highways
  • Educating drivers, motorists and other members of the public generally on the proper use of the highways
  • Designing and producing the driver’s license to be used by various categories of vehicle operators
  • Determining, from time to time, the requirements to be satisfied by an applicant for a driver’s license
  • Designing and producing vehicle number plates
  • The standardization of highway traffic codes
  • Giving prompt attention and care to victims of accidents
  • Conducting researches into causes of motor accidents and methods of preventing them and putting into use the result of such researches
  • Determining and enforcing speed limits for all categories of roads and vehicles and controlling the use of speed limiting devices
  • Cooperating with bodies or agencies or groups in road safety activities or in prevention of accidents on the highways
  • Making regulations in pursuance of any of the functions assigned to the Corps by or under this Act
  • Regulating the use of sirens, flashers and beacon lights on vehicles other than ambulances and vehicles belonging to the Armed Forces, Nigeria Police, Fire Service and other Para-military agencies
  • Providing roadside and mobile clinics for the treatment of accident victims free of charge
  • Regulating the use of mobile phones by motorists
  • Regulating the use of seat belts and other safety devices
  • Regulating the use of motorcycles on the highway
  • Maintaining the validity period for drivers’ licenses which shall be three years subject to renewal at the expiration of the validity period

Some Other Functions Related to the Commission Generally

  • Creating avenues for the safety of the highway for motorists and other road users
  • Endorsing works and devices which have been made to eliminate or minimize accidents on the highways and
  • Acting as Consultation agency to the Federal and State Governments including the Federal Capital Territory Administration and other relevant governmental agencies on all issues that border on road equipment and use
  • Providing information to motorists and members of the public on the road rules, regulations and discipline

Who Established the FRSC in Nigeria?

In February 1988, the Federal Government created the Federal Road Safety Commission through Decree No. 45 of the 1988 as amended by Decree 35 of 1992 referred to in the statute books as the FRSC Act cap 141 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria (LFN).

Who Founded Federal Road Safety Corps?

The FRSC was founded by National Assembly of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

What is the Work of Federal Road Safety Corps?

FRSC stands for Federal Road Safety Corps. Their mandate is to prevent or minimize accidents on the highway; clear obstructions on any part of the highways; and educate drivers, motorists and other members of the public generally on the proper use of the highways.

How Much is FRSC Salary in Nigeria?

We gathered that for those who joined the Federal Road Safety Corp with a secondary certificate, earn about N40, 000 per month. Graduates in FRSC are paid from N100, 000 and above while for high ranking officers, salary is from N250, 000 and above.

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List Of The 18 States/Province in Angola

JEROME MICHAEL EBRUPHIYO Thursday, November 18, 2021 Basis



This article will provide information on the list of the 18 states/Province in Angola, brief history of Angola and also provide answers to questions related to Angola as a country.

Brief History of Angola

Angola is a country in southwestern Africa. The country's name derives from the Kimbundu word for king. Angola was first settled by San hunter-gatherer societies before the northern domains came under the rule of Bantu states such as Kongo and Ndongo. In the 15th century, Portuguese colonists began trading, and a settlement was established at Luanda during the 16th century. Portugal annexed territories in the region which were ruled as a colony from 1655, and Angola was incorporated as an overseas province of Portugal in 1951. After the Angolan War of Independence, which ended in 1974 with an army mutiny and leftist coup in Lisbon, Angola achieved independence in 1975 through the Alvor Agreement. After independence, Angola entered a long period of civil war that lasted until 2002. The area of current day Angola was inhabited during the paleolithic and neolithic eras, as attested by remains found in Luanda, Congo, and the Namibe desert. At the beginning of recorded history other cultures and people also arrived. The first ones to settle were the San people. This changed at the beginning of the sixth century AD, when the Bantu, already in possession of metal-working technology, ceramics and agriculture began migrating from the north. When they reached what is now Angola they encountered the San and other groups. The establishment of the Bantu took many centuries and gave rise to various groupings that took on different ethnic characteristics. The first large political entity in the area, known to history as the Kingdom of Kongo, appeared in the thirteenth century and stretched from Gabon in the north to the river Kwanza in the south, and from the Atlantic in the west to the river Cuango in the east. The wealth of the Kongo came mainly from agriculture. Power was in the hands of the Mani, aristocrats who occupied key positions in the kingdom and who answered only to the all-powerful King of the Kongo. Mbanza was the name given to a territorial unit administered and ruled by a Mani; Mbanza Congo, the capital, had a population of over fifty thousand in the sixteenth century. The Kingdom of Kongo was divided into six provinces and included some dependent kingdoms, such as Ndongo to the south. Trade was the main activity, based on highly productive agriculture and increasing exploitation of mineral wealth. In 1482, Portuguese caravels commanded by Diogo Cão arrived in the Congo[1] and he explored the extreme north-western coast of what today is Angola in 1484. Other expeditions followed, and close relations were soon established between the two states. The Portuguese brought firearms and many other technological advances, as well as a new religion (Christianity); in return, the King of the Congo offered plenty of slaves, ivory, and minerals. The Portuguese colony of Angola was founded in 1575 with the arrival of Paulo Dias de Novais with a hundred families of colonists and four hundred soldiers. Its center at Luanda was granted the status of city in 1605. The King of the Kongo soon converted to Christianity and adopted a similar political structure to the Europeans. He became a well-known figure in Europe, to the point of receiving missives from the Pope. Queen Nzinga in peace negotiations with the Portuguese governor in Luanda, 1657. To the south of the Kingdom of the Kongo, around the river Kwanza, there were various important states. The most important of these was the Kingdom of Ndongo or Dongo, ruled by the ngolas. At the time of the arrival of the Portuguese, Ngola Kiluange was in power. By maintaining a policy of alliances with neighbouring states, he managed to hold out against the foreigners for several decades but was eventually beheaded in Luanda. Years later, the Ndongo rose to prominence again when Jinga Mbandi (Queen Jinga) took power. A wily politician, she kept the Portuguese in check with carefully prepared agreements. After undertaking various journeys she succeeded in 1635 in forming a grand coalition with the states of Matamba and Ndongo, Kongo, Kassanje, Dembos and Kissamas. At the head of this formidable alliance, she forced the Portuguese to retreat. Meanwhile, Portugal had lost its King and the Spanish took control of the Portuguese monarchy. By this time, Portugal's overseas territories had taken second place. The Dutch took advantage of this situation and occupied Luanda in 1641. Jinga entered into an alliance with the Dutch, thereby strengthening her coalition and confining the Portuguese to Massangano, which they fortified strongly, sallying forth on occasion to capture slaves in the Kuata! Kuata! Wars. Slaves from Angola were essential to the development of the Portuguese colony of Brazil, but the traffic had been interrupted by these events. Portugal having regained its independence, a large force from Brazil under the command of Salvador Correia de Sá retook Luanda in 1648, leading to the return of the Portuguese in large numbers. Jinga's coalition then fell apart; the absence of their Dutch allies with their firearms and the strong position of Correia de Sá delivered a deadly blow to the morale of the native forces. Jinga died in 1663; two years later, the King of the Congo committed all his forces to an attempt to capture the island of Luanda, occupied by Correia de Sá, but they were defeated and lost their independence. The Kingdom of Ndongo submitted to the Portuguese Crown in 1671. Trade was mostly with the Portuguese colony of Brazil; Brazilian ships were the most numerous in the ports of Luanda and Benguela. By this time, Angola, a Portuguese colony, was in fact like a colony of Brazil, paradoxically another Portuguese colony. A strong Brazilian influence was also exercised by the Jesuits in religion and education. War gradually gave way to the philosophy of trade.[citation needed] Slave-trading routes and the conquests that made them possible were the driving force for activities between the different areas; independent states were subjugated to the demands of American slavery.[citation needed] In the high plains (the Planalto), the most important states were those of Bié and Bailundo, the latter being noted for its production of foodstuffs and rubber. The interior remained largely free of Portuguese control as late as the 19th century. In the Battle of the Cunene, Portuguese forces were defeated by Ovambo warriors on 25 September 1904. The slave trade was not abolished until 1836, and in 1844 Angola's ports were opened to foreign shipping. This facilitated the continuation of slave smuggling to the United States and Brazil. By 1850, Luanda was one of the largest Portuguese cities in the Portuguese Empire outside Mainland Portugal exporting (together with Benguela) palm and peanut oil, wax, copal, timber, ivory, cotton, coffee, and cocoa, among many other products – almost all the produce of a continued forced labour system. The Berlin Conference compelled Portugal to move towards the immediate occupation of all the territories it laid claim to but had been unable to effectively conquer. The territory of Cabinda (province), to the north of the river Zaire, was also ceded to Portugal on the legal basis of the Treaty of Simulambuko Protectorate, concluded between the Portuguese Crown and the princes of Cabinda in 1885. In the 19th century they slowly and hesitantly began to establish themselves in the interior. Angola as a Portuguese colony encompassing the present territory was not established before the end of the 19th century, and "effective occupation", as required by the Berlin Conference (1884) was achieved only by the 1920s. However, Portuguese rule remained characterized by deep-seated racism, mass forced labour, and an almost complete failure to modernize the country. By 1960, after 400 years of colonial rule, there was not a single university in the entire territory. To counter this lack of education facilities, overtly political organizations first appeared in the 1950s, and began to make organized demands for human and civil rights, initiating diplomatic campaigns throughout the world in their fight for independence. The Portuguese regime, meanwhile, refused to accede to the nationalist's demands for independence, thereby provoking the armed conflict that started in 1961 when guerrillas attacked colonial assets in cross-border operations in northeastern Angola. The war came to be known as the Colonial War. José Eduardo dos Santos stepped down as President of Angola after 38 years in 2017, being peacefully succeeded by João Lourenço, Santos' chosen successor.

List of the 18 Province in Angola

1. Bengo

It is located in the Greater Luanda region of Angola which covers an area of 31,371 kilometer square. It has Caxito as its capital city.

2. Benguela

It is located in the central region of Angola which covers an area of 39,826 kilometer square. It has Benguela as its capital city.

3. Bié

It is located in the central region of Angola which covers an area of 70,314 kilometer square. It has Cuíto as its capital city.

4. Cabinda

It is located in the northern region of Angola which covers an area of 7,270 kilometer square. It has Cabinda as its capital city.

5. Cuando Cubango

It is located in the eatern region of Angola which covers an area of 199,049 kilometer square. It has Menongue as its capital city.

6. Cuanza Norte

It is located in the Greater Luanda region of Angola which covers an area of 24,110 kilometer square. It has N'dalatando as its capital city.

7. Cuanza Sul

It is located in the central region of Angola which covers an area of 55,600 kilometer square. It has Sumbe as its capital city.

8. Cunene

It is located in the South Western region of Angola which covers an area of 87,342 kilometer square. It has Ondjiva as its capital city.

9. Huambo

It is located in the central region of Angola which covers an area of 34,270 kilometer square. It has Huambo as its capital city.

10. Huíla

It is located in the south western region of Angola which covers an area of 79,023 kilometer square. It has Lubango as its capital city.

11. Luanda

Luanda which happens to be the capital city of Angola is located in the Greater Luanda region of Angola which covers an area of 2,417 kilometer square. It has Luanda as its capital city.

12. Lunda Norte

It is located in the eastern region of Angola which covers an area of 103,760 kilometer square. It has Dundo as its capital city.

13. Lunda Sul

It is located in the eastern region of Angola which covers an area of 77,637 kilometer square. It has Saurimo as its capital city.

14. Malanje

It is located in the northern region of Angola which covers an area of 97,602 kilometer square. It has Malanje as its capital city.

15. Moxico

It is located in the eastern region of Angola which covers an area of 223,023 kilometer square. It has Luena as its capital city.

16. Namibe

It is located in the south western region of Angola which covers an area of 57,091 kilometer square. It has Moçâmedes as its capital city.

17. Uíge

It is located in the northerm region of Angola which covers an area of 58,698 kilometer square. It has Uige as its capital city.

18. Zaire

It is located in the northern region of Angola which covers an area of 40,130 kilometer square. It has M'banza-Kongo as its capital city.

How long was Angola a Portuguese colony?

The Portuguese colonial period in Angola lasted almost five hundred years, but the Portuguese population itself was quite small for most of the period. In 1845 there were only two thousand Portuguese living in Angola, increasing to forty thousand by 1940.

Who Founded Angola?

The Portuguese colony of Angola was founded in 1575 with the arrival of Paulo Dias de Novais with a hundred families of colonists and four hundred soldiers. Its center at Luanda was granted the status of city in 1605.

What is Angola famous for?

Angola is a country in Central Africa rich in natural resources. It has large reserves of oil and diamonds, hydroelectric potential, and rich agricultural land. Despite this, Angola remains very poor, having been ravaged by a bloody civil war from 1975 to 2002.

Why did the Portuguese colonize Angola?

Disputes over control of trade, particularly regarding slaves from Kongo and its neighbours, led the Portuguese to look for new allies, especially the Ndongo kingdom. After undertaking several missions there, the Portuguese established a colony at Luanda in 1575.

How many states are there in Angola?

Eighteen Provinces of Angola. Angola is divided into eighteen provinces. These provinces are Bengo, Benguela, Bié, Cabinda, Cuando Cubango, Cuanza Norte, Cuanza Sul, Cunene, Huambo, Huíla, Luanda, Lunda Norte, Lunda Sul, Malanje, Moxico, Namibe, Uíge and Zaire.

How many district are there in Angola?

Angola is divided into five districts: four on the coast, the fifth, Lunda, wholly inland, being the N.E. part of the province.

How many cities are there in Angola?

In total, there are 30 cities in Angola.

What is the capital of Angola?

Luanda, also spelled Loanda, formerly São Paulo de Luanda, city, capital of Angola. It is located on the Atlantic coast of northern Angola, it is the country's largest city and one of its busiest seaports.

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