Best Steps on How to Buy 2020/2021 Jamb Form and Pin

Nuelson Penuel Thursday, October 24, 2024 Education

Hi there, welcome to Emmason247.com.ng. As part of Nigeria system of schooling, it is required that once you have completed your secondary school and intend to further your education in higher institution, you have to Buy and Process Jamb Form. After which, you will be offer admission based on your Jamb's Score. This process is very easy but to some newbie, is very difficult. However, am here to breakout the step by step guides for buying 2021 jamb form or steps for vending 2021 jamb's pin so that you can do it yourself and spend less. As promised earlier, I am going to break down the steps involved in carrying out your 2021 JAMB form processing. The steps given here are very simple and concise.

What is Jamb Pin Vend?

According to Jamb Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board, Jamb Pin Vending is an e-pin which is sent to all candidate who registers for jamb in other to stop fraud and examination malpractice. Jamb Vend is easily accessed although there are always challenges candidates do face when registering.

How To Buy Or Vend 2021 Jamb E-Pin

Buying JAMB e-pin is one of the most easiest thing I ever seen in terms of education form purchase process. To achieve this, is as simple as ABC, as you can do this either on JAMB's portal or by visiting other affiliated sites such as remita, quickteller e.t.c. But for the purpose of this post, am using JAMB's portal which is the most easiest way.
  1. Visit www.jamb.gov.ng and you should see the a loaded page like the image below

  2. how to buy 2021 jamb form
  3. Click on Buy 2021 UTME/DE PIN and wait for the page to load as displayed below

  4. how to process 2021 jamb form
  5. Click on Procure PIN
  6. Enter your JAMB profile code
  7. Click on Get Details button
  8. If your jamb profile code is correct you should see Verify Profile Code/Payment as displayed below
    how to vend 2021 jamb pin
  9. Enter your valid email addressed used for your JAMB profile creation as shown above
  10. Click on Pay for UTME or Pay for DE depending what your are apply for. Note DE means Direct Entry
  11. If you entered valid email address, you should see Sales of Form Payment Options Page as shown below
    how to pay for jamb form 2021
  12. Select the payment options that is OK by you. In this case, am using remita
  13. If you chose remita, then you should see Payment Confirmation page as displayed below. Check your info carefully
    how to obtain 2021 jamb pin
  14. Click on Continue Payment and JAMB e-Facility Payment Notification page will load as shown below
    what is jamb pin vending
  15. Click on Pay Now button and wait as you shall redirected to remita's portal for completion of your payment as depicted below
    steps for buying jamb form
  16. While on the remita's page, check your information once again to ensure that the info conform to yours
  17. Click on Submit button and a Pop Up will display as shown below
    how to pay for jamb utme pin
  18. Select the channel you intend to use for completion of payment e.g USSD, Card, Bank transfer e.t.c
  19. After a successful payment, you should get your pay result alongside the Vended Pin as shown below

  20. easy steps for buying jamb utme form

How To Recieve Already Purchased UTME Pin

In this sub-heading, am going to show you how you can retrieve your jamb pin you successfully paid for using SMS and Jamb Online Portal

How To Receive Already Purchased Jamb Pin Via SMS

How to receive your already purchase UTMEPIN kindly send an as SMS from your registered GSM number to 50019 e.g Utmepin to 55019. Note the phone will be the one you use during registration

How To Receive Already Purchased Jamb UTME Pin Via Online

To retrieve your already purchased jamb UTME or DE Pin online follow the steps below: STEP ONE
  1. Visit www.jamb.gov.ng and you should see the a loaded page like the image below
  2. img
  3. Click on Buy 2021 UTME/DE PIN and wait for the page to load as previously done Buying of Pin
  4. Click on Retrieve PIN and Two Buttons will show
  5. Enter your JAMB profile code
  1. Click on Get UTME PIN if you applied for UTME
  2. If your profile code is accurate, you should see your personal information displayed

How To Receive Already Purchased DEPIN

In this sub-heading, am going to show you how you can retrieve your jamb pin you successfully paid for using SMS and Jamb Online Portal.

How To Receive Already Purchased Jamb DE PIN Via SMS

How to receive your already purchase direct entry pin again, Send DEPIN to 55019

How To Receive Already Purchased Jamb DE Pin Via Online

To retrieve your already purchased jamb UTME or DE Pin online follow the steps below:
  1. Follow steps outlined in STEP ONE
  2. Click on Get DE PIN as marked red below
  3. If your profile code is accurate, you should see your personal information displayed

How To Re-Query Jamb Payment

There are cases where you might have successfully completed payment for PIN vending, but due to system crash or somethings, you could not get to the Payment result page. Don't panic, pick up your phone, check the debit alert sent to you and locate the reference number which normally starts with the current year e.g 202183019889189.
  1. Follow STEP ONE above
  2. Click on Re-Query/Check button and another fresh tab will open
  3. Enter the payment reference number and click on Query Payments.If your payment was successful, you should see a page that contains your payment details as shown below
    how to re-query jamb payment

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