Comprehensive List of Best JAMB Subjects Combination for all Courses in Nigeria

Nuelson Penuel Monday, August 14, 2023 Education

JAMB subjects combination is very important to students that wants to further their education in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Having the wrong subjects combination when enrolling for Jamb can make your admission to be denied because there are particular subjects made compulsory by JAMB that you must registered and pass in the exam. In this post, we are going to review the best JAMB subjects combination for all courses in Nigerian tertiary institutions such as universities, polytechnics e.t.c.

Social Science Courses JAMB Subjects Combination

1. Accountancy:

Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and any other social science subject.

2. Business Administration:

Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and any other social science subject.

3. Public Administration:

Use of English, Government, Economics, and any other relevant subject.

4. Banking and Finance:

Use of English, Mathematics, one Social Science subject, and any other relevant subject.

5. Economics:

Use of English, Mathematics, Economics and any of Government, History, Geography, Literature in English, French and CRK/IRK.

6. Demography and Social Statistics:

Use of English, Mathematics, Economics or Geography, and any other relevant subject.

7. Geography:

Use of English, Geography and two other Arts or Social Science subjects

8. Library Science:

Use of English and any other three subjects from Arts or Social Science courses.

9. Mass Communication:

Use of English and any other three subjects from Arts or Social Science courses.

10. Sociology:

Use of English, any other three subjects from Arts or Social Science courses.

11. Political Science:

Use of English, Government or History and any other three subjects from Arts or Social Science courses.

12. Philosophy:

Use of English, Government, and any other two subjects

13. Psychology:

Use of English, and any other three subjects from Arts or Social Science courses.

14. Religious Studies:

Use of English Language, CRK/IRS, and any two other subjects.

15. Social Works:

Use of English Language, Mathematics, Economics/ Geography, and any other subject.

16. Sociology and Anthropology:

Use of English, and any other three subjects from Arts or Social Science courses.

17. Industrial Relations:

Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and any other relevant subject.

18. Human Resources Management:

Use of English, Economics, Government, and any other relevant subject.

19. International Relations:

Use of English, Economics, Literature in English and any of Geography, Government and History.

20. Business Management:

Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and any other relevant subject.

21. Cooperative and Rural Development:

Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and any other relevant subject.

22. Tourism:

English, Mathematics, Economics, and any other relevant subject.

23. Marketing:

Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and any other relevant subject.

24. Insurance:

English, Mathematics, Economics, and any other relevant subject.

Science Courses JAMB Subjects Combination

1. Medicine and Surgery:

Use of English, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry

2. Agricultural Engineering:

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

3. Computer Science:

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and one of Biology, Chemistry, Agric Science, Economics and Geography

4. Biochemistry:

Use of English, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry

5. Biological Sciences (Biology):

Use of English, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics or Mathematics.

6. Physics:

Use of English, Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry or Biology.

7. Mathematics:

Use of English, Mathematics, and any two of Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Biology, and Agricultural Science.

8. Chemistry:

Use of English, Chemistry, and two Physics, Biology, and Mathematics.

9. Nursing:

Use of English, Physics, Biology, and Chemistry

10. Food Science and Technology:

Use of English, Chemistry, Mathematics/Physics, and Agric Science.

11. Pharmacy:

Use of English, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry.

12. Industrial Chemistry:

Use of English, Chemistry, Mathematics, and any of Physics, Biology, or Agricultural Science.

13. Fisheries:

Use of English, Chemistry, any of Biology or Agricultural Science and any other Science subject.

14. Geology:

Use of English and any three Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology, and Geography.

15. Geography:

Use of English, Geography, and any two of Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Agricultural Science.

16. Surveying and Geoinformatics:

Use of English, Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Biology.

17. Statistics:

Use of English, Mathematics, and any two of Physics, Chemistry, Agricultural Science, and Economics.

18. Building Technology:

Use of English, Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology, and Economics.

19. Microbiology:

Use of English, Biology, Chemistry, and any of Physics or Mathematics.

20. Botany:

Use of English, Biology, Chemistry and any other science subject.

21. Zoology:

Use of English, Biology, and any two of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.

22. Agriculture:

English, Chemistry, Biology or Agriculture and any one of Physics and Mathematics.

23. Agricultural Economics:

English Language, Chemistry, Biology or Agricultural Science and Mathematics.

24. Agricultural Extension:

English, Chemistry, Biology or Agricultural Science and any of Mathematics or Physics.

25. Agronomy:

English, Chemistry, Biology or Agriculture and Physics or Mathematics.

26. Animal Production and Science:

Use of English, Chemistry, Biology or Agricultural Science and Physics or Mathematics.

27. Crop Production and Science:

English, Chemistry, Biology or Agricultural Science and Mathematics or Physics.

28. Soil Science:

English, Chemistry, Biology or Agricultural Science and Mathematics or Physics.

29. Veterinary Medicine:

English, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology

30. Forestry:

Use of English, Chemistry, Biology or Agriculture and Physics or Mathematics.

31. Civil Engineering:

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

32. Chemical Engineering:

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

33. Computer Engineering:

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

34. Electrical and Electronics Engineering:

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

35. Marine Engineering:

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

36. Mechanical Engineering:

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

37. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering:

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

38. Petroleum and Gas Engineering:

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

39. Systems Engineering:

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

40. Structural Engineering:

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

41. Production and Industrial Engineering:

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

42. Architecture:

English, Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Biology, and Economics.

43. Quantity Surveying:

Use of English, Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Biology, and Economics.

44. Urban and Regional Planning:

English, Mathematics, Geography and one of Economics, Physics, Chemistry.

45. Estate Management Technology:

Use of English, Mathematics, Economics and one other science subject.

46. Anatomy:

English, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.

47. Dentistry:

Use of English, Chemistry, Biology and any other Science subject.

48. Medical Laboratory Science:

English Language, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.

49. Medical Rehabilitation:

Use of English, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology

50. Physiology:

Use of English, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry

51. Physiotherapy:

Use of English, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry

52. Medical Radiography:

Use of English, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry

Art Courses JAMB Subjects Combination

1. Arabic and Islamic Studies:

Use of English, Arabic, and two subjects from Arts and/or Social Sciences.

2. Christian Religious Studies (C.R.K):

Use of English, Two Arts subjects including Christian Religious Knowledge and any other relevant subject.

3. Fine and Applied Arts:

Use of English Language, Fine Art and two other Arts subjects or Social Science subject.

4. Theatre Arts:

Use of English, Lit. in English, and two other relevant subjects.

5. Linguistics:

English, Two relevant Arts subjects and any other relevant subject.

6. English and International Studies:

Use of English, Literature in English, Government or History or any other Arts subjects.

7. French:

English, French and any other two subjects from Arts and Social Sciences.

8. English Language:

Use of English, Literature in English, one other Art subject and another Arts or Social Science subject.

9. Hausa Language:

English, Hausa, Lit in English and any of Economics, Government, History, and Arabic.

10. History and International Studies:

Use of English, History/Government and any other two subjects from Arts & Social Science.

11. Islamic Studies:

English, Islamic Religious Studies plus two other Arts subjects.

12. Igbo Language:

English, Igbo, and two subjects from Arts and/or Social Sciences.

13. Mass Communication:

Use of English, Any three Arts, and Social Science subjects.

14. Music:

Use of English, Music, one other Art subject, and any other relevant subject.

15. Philosophy:

Use of English, three other relevant subjects.

16. Religious Studies:

English, CRK/IRS, three other relevant subjects.

17. Yoruba Language:

Use of English, Yoruba, and two other subjects in Arts or Social Sciences.

18. Anthropology:

Use of English, Any three of History, CRK/IRK, Geography, Economics, Literature in English and French.

19. Criminology:

English, Economics, Government, and any of History, Geography, Literature in English, French, IRK, Hausa.

20. Law:

English, Literature, Economics, and any other Art Subject.

21. Islamic/Sharia Law:

Use of English Language and Any three Art or social science subjects including Arabic or Islamic studies.

22. Civil Law:

English Language and Any three Arts or Social Science subjects.

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