
Understanding Visual Basic Substring and Examples

Nuelson Penuel Friday, September 11, 2020 Visual Basic.Net


In this article, am going to discuss with you everything you need to know about Visual Basic Substring as well as give you detailed examples

What is a SubString?

In programming, substring function is used to obtain a part of a specified string from a given expression or string. It is part of the Visual Basic String class. In order for substring to work perfectly, you have to specify the start index from which the extraction will start and the length it should take. The String will be extracted from that index up to the length that you specify. In this tutorial, you will learn What is a SubString? Syntax of Substring Examples One Argument Middle Characters One Char

Visual Basic Substring Syntax

String.Substring(StartIndex, Length)
The function accepts two arguments as shown in the above syntax Parameters
  • Start index: Is the starting index from which the string extraction will start.
  • Length: The length denote the total characters that will be returned by the substring function

Visual Basic Substring Example

Let us see an example of substring demonstration. The example below is a console application demonstrating visual basic substring.

Module substringTest
    Sub Main()

        Dim str As String = "I love Emmason247.com.ng"

        Dim res As String = str.Substring(7, 17)

        Console.WriteLine("The substring is: {0}", res)

    End Sub

End Module

Run the above example an your result will be "Emmason247.com.ng" Why you seen this result is because you we specified the start index to be 7 which is the length of "I love " and the length to be 17 which is the length of "Emmason247.com.ng" Let us try another example

Module substringTest
    Sub Main()

        Dim str As String = "I love Emmason247.com.ng"

        Dim res As String = str.Substring(0, 6)

        Console.WriteLine("The substring is: {0}", res)

    End Sub

End Module

I love

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