Community banking and economic development of Anambra State aim at assessing analyzing the contribution of community banking in the economic development of Anambra state and in the same way to show factors or problem militated against its rapid development and growth.
It is understandable, if we agree with the word Bank statistics that 75% of the producer in most, West Africa countries, Nigeria inclusive, operates in the information sector of the economy.
Consequently, this project work would be useful to those seeking for information about community banking and economic development of Anambra State, problem and prospect. Chapter one of this work pin- pointed objective of the study from which hypothesis was drawn. Also highlighted was the significant of the study. Chapter two of the work-literature Review dealt with the flowoling;overview, the aims and objectives of setting up community banks in Nigeria, the problems & prospect of the community banking system in Umudioka the achievement and economic development of Umuduoka community bank chapter three deals with the source of data, collection and location.
Chapter four is concerned with data presentation an test of hypothesis
Finally chapter five deal with finding, recommendation and
conclusion. Suggestions further research was also made in the appendix.